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Top News in Social Media, Technology & Business Management

Top News for the week across the Globe in Social Media, Technology & Business Management Topics: 1. Sole Power: Generates Power for charging portable electronics while you walk 2. Fire Fighting Robots:ROBOTS: Firefighters Rescue Victims 3. NASA to Host June 7 Mars Rover Opportunity Teleconference 4. Harvard Business Management: Magazine – Blog – Our Top Picks:…

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NASA introduces new badge on Foursquare

NASA has long offered different badges to Foursquare users to earn with their check ins. They have added one more to the galore of badges that can be earned. The new badge introduced is called the “Curiosity Rover” Badge.

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First space checkin:NASA Commander Wheelock Unlocks the Explorer Badge on Foursquare

First space check-in: NASA Commander Wheelock Unlocks the Explorer Badge on Foursquare First space checkin: NASA Commander Wheelock: Unlocks the Explorer Badge on Foursquare The wonderful team at NASA have done it again. First it was the very first tweet from space (read the complete article here) and now they have taken a massive step…

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NASA’s, well spaced ‘Tweet’

NASA’s, well spaced ‘Tweet’ Astronauts aboard the International Space Station received a special software upgrade this week that gives personal access to the Internet and the World Wide Web via the ultimate wireless connection. Flight Engineer T.J. Creamer made first use of the new system Friday, when he posted the first unassisted update to his…