Curiosity Rover checks in on Mars

Curiosity Rover checks in on Mars

foursquare mars curiosity checkin

While check ins in space are nothing new with Commander Douglas H. Wheelock already having checked in from the International Space Station, this is the first time that someone has checked in from a planet other than earth.

The Curiosity rover which landed on Mars in early August already has a Twitter account through which it has already sent out around 1400 tweets along with a lot of high quality images from the Red Planet. Now the amazing people at NASA have gone ahead and set up a Foursquare account for Curiosity as well. The first check in (of many yet to come we hope), was at the Gale Crater. Make sure to check out the fun tips Curiosity offers on its Foursquare page.

NASA is using the powerful medium of social media to provide rich scientific and educational content as well as grab a lot of eyeballs  And we agree that they are achieving this marvelously by keeping the language simple and fun. Sharing a picture along with the check in is something very few people do, and a picture from Mars is something no one can stake claim to. Let us see what other badges Curiosity snaps up over time. Rest assured, this is one mayorship that it will hold for a long time to come.

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