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Google includes sign language app in Hangouts for challenged users

Google has always made its services available for a broader audience. Google Hangout especially has a lot of features for Deaf and dumb users so that their video chat experience is simple and comfortable.

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Google unveils site for your Oscar frenzy

The Oscars are almost upon us and to satiate movie buffs, Google has launched a site focused around the Oscar frenzy.

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Google lets you share your New Year Resolutions globally

With the advent of a New Year almost everyone is ready with a list or at least one New Year Resolution. Google has realized and to motivate you, put up a site where you can share your resolution with the rest of the world.

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Social media quotient for brands on Slideshare

Techdivine Creative Services is now on Slideshare as well. Watch presentations on improving your social media quotient, what is Your SMQ, whether you need it, key branding rules to be followed online and more!