Google unveils site for your Oscar frenzy

Google unveils site for your Oscar frenzy

Google oscars

The Oscars are almost upon us and to satiate movie buffs, Google has launched a site focused around the Oscar frenzy. Google has even analysed search volume to make predictions on winners based on what movie users are searching  for the most. They have also put together a montage of clips from movie released in the past year. Have a look at the video below.

Google’s Oscar site includes a little bit of everything from a variety of their services. You can find the list of nominees in various categories like Best Actor, Best Movie, Best Director, Best Original Score and so on. Google’s Knowledge Graph presents information about your selection along with trailers and showtimes for movies. Next you can find Google’s guesses for award winners based on their search volume. As of now Argo leads the pack in the Best Movie category. You can use voice search to carry out Google searches from the site itself.

Users can also be a part of the action by casting a sample ballot via the official Oscars Android app once they have viewed the movie trailers. The Oscars Google Plus page provides steady updates about the event. What if you won an Oscar? Google Plus Hangouts let you capture your moving acceptance speech and share it with your friends. Or just host a pre-Oscar  Hangout with friends to discuss who will win the prized golden statuettes this year. Google Maps is also featured at the end of the site with information about where a specific movie was shot or where an actor was born.  Google Maps also features panoramic photos of the “Dolby Theatre” where the Oscars will take place.

Overall, Google has developed a site that will satisfy almost every Oscar Movie buffs cravings. Which movie or actor are you rooting for? Let us know in the comments below.

Visit Google’s site dedicated to The Oscars.

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