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Marketing-Science54 an all new Digital Marketing and social media service

Marketing-Science54 an all new Digital Marketing and social media service to be launched by our Award winning CEO Mr.Ananthanarayanan V in Mumbai on January 15th 2015 for BRANDS going Digital for the very first time. Official PRESS RELEASE at PRLOG: Interested in getting this state-of-the-art Technology based social media digital marketing research tools for your…

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Download social media marketing consumer engagement report 2014 for FREE

Download social media marketing consumer engagement report 2014 for FREE “Why would users online engage with YOUR BRAND on SOCIAL MEDIA?” We surveyed 1,000 brand users registered and active across various social networking platforms across 11 countries and 9 different industries: (We asked ourselves, should we interview brands or should we run a detailed survey…

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Most viewed: Using social media marketing for ROI and brand engagement

Empower using social media marketing to generate ROI and brand engagement – VIDEO This has been the most shared video this month on “How to use social media marketing to generate ROI and brand engagement” (VIDEO Below) CONTENTS of the VIDEO: – CASE STUDY based analysis – Real-time brand engagement and conversion discussions and examples –…

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Social media and digital marketing revolutionary process from Techdivine

Techdivine Creative Services (Digital marketing and social media creative services agency) is proud to launch the revolutionary “RING” process to customize and deliver a Social media marketing process like never experienced before. Key Highlights from the process: – Co-create value for your consumers – Empower your campaign with SCIENTIFIC and MATHEMATICAL tools and CONSUMER Research…

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Social media marketing case studies and consumer research

Social media marketing case studies and consumer research    Social media marketing is no longer a “trial digital strategy’ or a myth for generating ROI. We all know that by now. No wonder our social media marketing corporate blog saw a surge in visits in the past month to around a million searches across the…

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Marketing with Social media and consumer insights

Marketing with Social media and consumer insights Branding has since ages been an integral part of every corporate strategy and over the decades, organizations have invested heavily to make the best of the available branding tools for communicating news and information about their products and services with consumers and prospects. Recently, with the advent of…