Social media marketing and digital marketing are two very different strategies and mediums.
Digital Marketing as a whole encompasses SEO, Social media marketing, Viral campaigns, Email marketing, banner advertising, Cost per click advertising, keyword and density analysis and so much more.
Social media marketing is a part of the entire digital marketing strategy which when used with the right set of tools, planned with a process and strategy integrated with measurable goals, does wonders for the brand by empowering its user engagement and increasing the ROI for the stakeholders.
You can have a look at few of our case studies of how we, as a digital marketing and social media agency have delivered measurable ROI for our clients across industries over the years:
Few simple processes that you can follow to empower your brand to add value and deliver a power packed campaign at all times using digital marketing tools, process and social media marketing resources:
(Please note: These are general rules from my end as my views on the same. For more detailed insights on planning measurable social media and digital marketing campaigns, please do have a look at my Book – Social Media Marketing BRAND ROI BOOK) or feel free to reach me for queries.
Steps and process to follow:
a) There is no ONE solution for all PRODUCT when it comes to social media or digital marketing:
This is a very important aspect about social media marketing services that both brands and marketing professionals need to be aware of. The moment someone gives you an immediate fixed PACKAGE solution, understand that there is definitely something wrong with the process. There is no STANDARD or Fixed solution for all brands or products. Why?
Because, each product, brand, industry and organizational requirement is unique on its own. It takes:
Always ensure that your social media marketing campaign is customized for your brand and organizational requirements.
Have a simple process to start your campaign: (See Fig below)
Social media marketing process
b) Clearly define your goals:
Its core to clearly define your goals for social media and digital marketing, for eg.
– 3 months for SEO ranking
– 6 months for 25% increase in store footfalls
– 6 months for Revenue flow in actual sales conversions
– 3 months for lead based enquiries increase by 25% over the previous quarter
Be clear and set a timeline for what you need to achieve using the said tools.
Most importantly, do not select sets of goals for eg. Primary goals ‘ABC’ and secondary goals ‘XYZ’. There is always just ONE SINGLE GOAL – PRIMARY GOAL.
I would like to quote Peter Drucker on this most splendid and meaningful modern management goal and priority – “First things first and second things, not at all – Peter F Drucker”
Peter Drucker Quote
c) Be reasonable with your Goals and deadlines:
It always helps to be ambitious and optimistic but being too much of it in simple terms is lame and greedy. And most importantly, it won’t work!
For eg. If as an organization or a brand, you have experienced or measured an average increase of say 35% in your lead enquiries during holidays, now, all of sudden, just because you are planning a new campaign, keeping its goal as 75% increase would make no sense at all. So ensure, at all times, your goals and targets are set based on realistic measures.
d) Trends: Do not focus on being a trend or being a part of a HOT TREND on Facebook or Twitter. Rather focus on relevant content and a process wherein you sincerely deliver a valuable information for your end users and consumers.
Also, many a times, brands and corporate have paid too a higher price for TRYING TO BE A HOT TREND. See fig below for example.
social media trends
e) Know which platforms to focus on? But do that based on your consumers conversations online and only after understanding their comfort level of engaging into conversations. For eg. As a financial institution or a banking service, if you are expecting a consumer to have a real-time brand engagement to convert into business, or an existing consumer to discuss his financial details online, well, it is for sure not advisable for both, you as a brand and for the consumer’s online privacy and security. Rather give them options to engage with you on a personal and private platform by creating a secure real-time conversation link such as a private user engaged blog or forum where their identities and conversations can be kept secure.
f) METRICS: Know your demographics really well. Its top and utmost priority to understand the complete insights behind where and what your consumers and prospects are expecting from this brand relationship. It ensures a long term business connect and strong brand loyalty. So, always have a strong social media analysis and metrics with feedback and solutions planned at least on a monthly basis as part of your digital marketing or social media campaign.
g) BRAND Monitoring: Irate consumers are your best future brand ambassadors (Well, most of the time): Many times, brands shut-off irate customer responses or block them on social media for the fear of getting in the public view in a negative way. This ends up only further infuriating the irate consumer. Rather, LISTEN to their problems and unless you feel the anger or frustration vented towards your brand or organization is an intentional prank from a TROLL or a competitor, listening to them, giving them a real-time solution actually ends up in that irate customer becoming your brand ambassador for life.
So always make sure to have brand monitoring as part of your social media campaign.
Highlights from this post:
– Have a clear Content strategy
– Measure relevant metrics of consumers and platforms. Always remember: Social Media is NOT about websites. It was, is and will always be about people. People buy from People they TRUST. So ensure to at all times – HUMANIZE YOUR BRAND.
– Brand monitoring: If you exist as a brand, someone out there is already talking about you. Ensure you are part of that conversation prism.
– BRAND engagement and relationship: Today social media gives you as a brand enough tools and resources to empower yourself with ample skill sets to have a meaningful and engaging BRAND – CONSUMER relationship on a long term basis.
– Define your goals and be realistic with properly defined deadlines.
– Integrate consumer gratification to ensure you are rewarding your brand ambassadors at all times.
– Always integrate measurable metrics that are relevant to your goals as part of the campaign. GO through the reports and analysis, give and receive proper feedback and keep improvising your campaign goals and ideas. Listening to your own brand conversations and tone when online at times is very resourceful too.
– TRENDS and CONTENT: Remember, as a BRAND, you need to focus on delivering the RIGHT content for your prospects and consumers and not on BEING A TREND!
– Appropriate channel and medium: At the end: Always have a “CALL TO ACTION” button. This can be a simple form or a feedback link etc that will help your consumers to easily connect with you at all times.
In case you would be interested in planning a customized Social media digital marketing campaign for your Brand, feel free to reach me here or via any of the social networking sites given below (OR you can also email our social media team to know more at –
You can also reach us using this quick form link below:
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Empower using social media marketing to generate ROI and brand engagement – VIDEO This has been the most shared video this month on “How to use social media marketing to generate ROI and brand engagement” (VIDEO Below) CONTENTS of the VIDEO: – CASE STUDY based analysis – Real-time brand engagement and conversion discussions and examples –…
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“Techdivine Creative Services Marketing & Design Agency NEW BETA website 4th Year ANNIVERSARY Special overview” Techdivine Creative Services Online Marketing Social Media Monitoring Creative Design Agency 4th Year Anniversary special – NEW BETA WEBSITE is Live: Brief Overview: About Us Techdivine Creative Services is a Marketing & Creative one stop solutions…
Quite a few Facebook users have reported that their Timeline cover photos have mysteriously been taken down without notice. Users only realize that their cover photos are gone when they visit their profiles. This is being attributed to Facebook cracking down on copyright protected images. One of the staff from Mashable encountered this error after trying to re-upload the image.
Techdivine Creative Services Digital Marketing & Social Media agency
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