Power TD News: Social media, technology, events, Art workshops, Commodity and markets
Power TD News: Top news from across the globe on Social media, technology, events, Indian Art, craft and Textile workshops, Commodity and markets updates

1. Control Your GE Oven via Smartphone — From Anywhere

Check out the apps on Google Play store and Apple iOS app store:
2. Draw by inviting others to collaborate with you digitally using AWW http://awwapp.com/draw.html

3. Commodities & Equity markets top news: Click on Links below:
– Franchisee and sub broker advantages from VENTURA
4. Google Business Group Mumbai ROI on Social media event Highlights CLICK HERE

5. Comic Con India event 2013 in Mumbai Click Here for pictures and to read

New Personal BLOG site link — http://ananthv9.wordpress.com
7. Android App- Download our 5 STAR Rated FREE Android app now on Google Play
8. For those who enjoy reading Fiction: Here is a KINDLE Amazon ebook – Click here: Read sample chapters – Fiction ebook written for Young Adults & Teens, a perfect gift for your loved ones –

9. Popular Social media ROI based case studies and presentations online –
- ROI on social media: Google Business Group event LIVE presentation by Ananth V
- ROI on Social media by Techdivine
- Social media marketing for BRANDS (with VIDEO Feature)
- Over 27,000 Plus views: ROI on Social media for actual SALES
- Social media marketing power process

If you are looking for some specific resources, articles or updates, do share it with us here and we will do our best to include the updates in our next blog post.
Feel free to connect with us across online social sites or reach us here – Techdivine Creative Services on Facebook – Twitter – LinkedIn Company page – Google Plus – You Tube – Slideshare – Pinterest – Storify – Android Google Play – LinkedIn Social media quotient Your SMQ Group
Thanks and have a wonderful day ahead.
Social Media Team