Social media marketing:Going beyond metrics for targeted ROI
Social media marketing: Going beyond metrics for targeted ROI
Consumers are the KINGS. It’s an adage so old and that has become such a cliché, especially with consumers themselves, that they have lost faith in it. Or at least, they had lost faith in it……
Then came the era of social media. Now this is an era where the power truly is with the consumers.
If you exist as a Brand, then someone out there is for sure already talking about you.
As a brand, it has thus become very essential to be a part of that conversation prism. One cannot control or deny a consumer or an end user from writing reviews, comments etc, but yes, we can get into the metrics of “WHY” has he/she written that about you.
With more advanced tools and social media marketing process (Your SMQ – Social media quotient) the analytic’s and measuring metrics have evolved drastically. Brands today need to integrate these power packed social media marketing processes into brand marketing and digital campaign process too.
Gone is the age where a push marketing strategy or a pull marketing strategy was planned. In today’s digital age, the mediums and channels through which the marketing message is shared across the world works very differently.
Today a consumer or an end user has the power to become a GLOBAL BRAND Ambassador for your product with or without your approval.
It is as splendid as it is scary too, because he then inadvertently gets the power to speak your BRANDS tone out there in public.
Pictures, videos and messages go viral in a pace that is unimaginable.
For eg. Below given Image Link is of PSY, psy_gentleman below to check out the Video that has crossed 44 Million views on YouTube in such a short span of time

So what is really needed is a balance of the roles online for you, as a BRAND using social media:
- Who is/are my end user(s)?
- Who really uses my product and can influence his or her group?
- How do I, as a BRAND, add more value to them?
- What content and which channel / medium would appeal for my product the most?
- And most importantly, as a BRAND, what am I looking forward to achieve from the digital marketing social media brand campaign at the end of the day?
The above questions takes us beyond the mere concept of “likes”, “follows”, “Views”, “hits” and adds up valuable metrics in terms of REAL ROI on social media marketing. That is both measurable and re-usable with constant improvisation.
Over the years, we have generated High ROI on Actual Sales, ROI on Lead and High brand reach for our client brand partners across countries and industries by integrating a systematic social media marketing digital brand campaign, that is both, well controlled and measurable.
Some basic rules to get your social media digital marketing ROI based campaign as a BRAND Live:
- Know your end users and also know their most preferred channels online
- Once you know their preferred channels, determine whether you have content to cater to those channels
- Understand and add ranking and priority to your expectations and goals from social media marketing brand campaigns – ROI, SEO, Reach, Leads, Sales, Conversations, Brand engagement etc.
- Listen to your end users and their conversations and most importantly, listen to your own tone and messages sent online too.
- Make sure your marketing team is aware of the content available and the goals and expectations that your top management has in mind. Make sure to keep them not too modest, but realistic at the same time.
- At the same time, if you are planning to hire a Digital Marketing Agency to plan, integrate and implement your social media marketing campaigns for ROI, make sure your in-house team and the agency understand that they both need to be one and act as a team and not each others competitors. Support each other for the tools and make sure that the goals are clear for both.
- Make room for social connect among your in-house teams and employees. Let them engage into conversations using your official social media platforms. Explain to them the process for the same, social media guidelines, do’s and dont’s of social media etc from time to time.
At the end of the day, not only your CONTENT needs to be valuable, but they need to be solving real issues and concerns of end users.
These are some basic rules one needs to keep in mind while planning social media digital marketing brand campaigns especially if integrated with ROI in the process.
Analyze, measure, track, keep innovating, improvising through the social media brand marketing campaign process always. Make sure you are one step ahead today than you were yesterday. The metrics needs to be constantly looked into.
Always remember, Social media is not about websites or metrics or tools. It was and will always be about PEOPLE. Why? Because at the end of the day, people always buy from people they trust. So Humanize your brand.
Do share your comments and views on your experiences as a brand, as an individual user using social media online. We would love to hear from you.
Have a wonderful Connect ahead.
Ananth V
Founder & CEO
Techdivine Creative Services
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