Link in with LinkedIn for professional connect

Link-in with LinkedIn for professional connect with the right set of audience

Linked In AnanthV

LinkedIn is for corporate professionals who want to connect with like-minded professionals, prospects or existing clients and keep things the corporate way, as in Simple, elegant and very precise.

Share your skills, expertise, know-how, connect with professionals, corporate professionals globally, with only, as much “information and networking sharing” as you feel is necessary.

Whether you are looking to sell, network, buy or re-sell, LinkedIn takes you to places wherein it would probably take one a few months before hitting anywhere near to the desk of corporate biggies.

 But, how do you network and connect with a site using LinkedIn?

 To begin with:

Picture: Make sure, your profile picture is not a blank space or a cartoon image or showcasing to the world, your dream of looking like a celebrity. It needs to be your own picture. And remember, it’s a corporate ‘connect’ site. So make sure your profile picture is you at your simplest and best behavior and not capturing one of your ‘creative spur of the moment activities’. It’s a serious site and make sure you are taken seriously.

Profile: Fill your profile details with as much panache, flair and the ‘real-deal’ as you would find in a Corporate presentation. It really is a corporate presentation. The only difference is, instead of numbers, pie-charts, it’s your career and skill statistics keywords on the line. Keep it real, concise and professional.

Your HEADLINE: You are what you present to the Internet. So choose your keywords for your HEADLINE carefully. Let it speak of who you really are. Choose your core keywords appropriately so that you are ‘shown in searches’ where you would like to appear.

Honors, Awards, Additional Information: Be open and honest of who you are and what you have achieved. Do not scream of what you have achieved, neither is there a need to be too modest about it. Say it like it really is.

Remember, with millions of profiles across these sites, your profile will be probably getting less than 10 to 15 seconds to catch someone’s attention. Make sure, you mention something amazing that you have done in your profile under “Headline, Additional information and Honors and Awards section”.

Keep your social/professional connects of Twitter, Corporate Blog, Facebook page, GooglePlus, etc LinkedIn well in sync with the profile if you are regular user of the social sites, apps, platforms and profiles.

Let the ‘prospects, clients and colleagues’ know and get a feel of who you are.  

Keep it fresh, real and remember, the internet is always looking and trying to listen. So speak up well and look good.

How much has LinkedIn been a part of your online connect? Do Share your views with me here.

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Have a nice day.

Ananth V

Founder & CEO

Techdivine Creative Services

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