Charlie Chaplin

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England, on April 16th 1889.
Coming from a family of great performers, his father, a versatile vocalist and actor & his mother, known under the stage name of Lily Harley, was an attractive actress and singer.
The legendary Chaplin made his professional debut as a member of a juvenile group called “The Eight Lancashire Lads” and rapidly won popular favour as an outstanding tap dancer.
Over the years of gaining accolades for his performances, Charlie soon began to be seen in movies like, the “The Floorwalker”, “The Fireman”, “The Vagabond”, “One A.M.”, “The Count”, “The Pawnshop”, “Behind the Screen”, “The Rink”, “Easy Street” , “The Cure”, “The Immigrant” and “The Adventurer”.
This was with Mutual where his contract then expired. The year was 1917. Chaplin decided to become an independent producer in a desire for more freedom and greater leisure in making his movies. To that end, he busied himself with the construction of his own studios. This plant was situated in the heart of the residential section of Hollywood at La Brea Avenue.
Soon his eccentricity of pure genius and his innumerable retakes proving his insatiable quench for perfection made him the legend he was. He gave us under his independent though process of filming thousands of footage of film to achieve that perfect act, to get his free mind that perfect scene and give the world of silent cinema the magic and genius that was Chaplin. He crafted and designed remarkable genius under his favorite plots of distinct & striking differences between the rich and the poor. His way of using symbolisms, metaphors is still unmatched by any.
A dogs life, The Idle class, The Kid, Citylights, Modern times, Limelight, The Goldrush, The Circus and The Great Dictator were few among his genius masterpieces.
His style of showcasing in just fraction of minutes in Citylights of how the flower vendor mistakes him for a rich man and how he goes through all his heroic efforts selflessly puts him in the pedestal of all time heroes in film making. The final scene in Citylights, where the actress finds out that this is the man she is looking for and where the master gleams with utmost simplicity to acknowledge are truly mesmerizing.
The Circus, its opening scene with the iris star, the realization of the star within, the rope walkers entry till the final scene wherein Chaplin sits alone amidst the huge circle with the ripped star in his hand, is creative genius to its core.
Similarly the Great Dictator, Limelight and so forth personified the comic legend as undoubtedly one of the greatest performers, entertainers and creative genius of all times. He soon, began singing , composing, for his films and made his presence into the world of talkies with Sound as a remarkable one man quality.
Through his genius, Sir Chaplin will always remain to all of us as the greatest writer, actor, director, composer, musician and comic genius of all times.
Here is my tribute to the legend:

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