Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns

Our social media digital marketing campaigns integrated with Paid listings on Google AdWords, Facebook ads, LinkedIn Sponsored ads have generated real-time results across industries and countries.


worth of SALES delivered for client brand partners using digital marketing social media campaigns, digital strategy consulting, ROI based corporate training across countries and industries 


like  (India, USA, UK, Austria, Australia, Ireland, Bahrain, Canada, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Singapore, UAE, Spain) used our services

Why Us?

Empower your PPC campaigns with our insightful reports and analysis integrated with Google adwords insights, Facebook insights, Twitter insights, Google analytics with our very own in-house power packed Registered brand’s “Your SMQ – Social media quotient” process. 

Understand better which demographics and what messages appeal to consumers online. Reach the right set of audiences using the focused target based advertising that will connect with them. 

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Our Milestones

Years digital marketing
Clients Serviced
Global Recognitions


Few of our client brand partners where we have delivered custom-designed corporate training programs, visiting faculty, speaker sessions, keynote & panel discussion session and masterclass workshops

Ready to Grow Your Business?

Contact us for a FREE quote, for any of our Pay per Click Services.