Social Media Brand Quotient APP from Techdivine Creative Services
We are proud to unveil probably the coolest Social Media Brand App available with a plethora of resources, downloads, Guides and tips for both, BRANDS and Individual users.
We are proud to unveil probably the coolest Social Media Brand App available with a plethora of resources, downloads, Guides and tips for both, BRANDS and Individual users.
According to a recent report by the American Consumer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), more people are satisfied with Google Plus than Facebook. This is surprising as Google Plus still does not have as large a user base as Facebook.
Quite a few social platforms received new features and minor changes recently. Read on to find out who got what updates.
Customized social media brand marketing using right set of tools – Part 1 “Ways to reinvigorate your social media campaign using social tools” If you have been wondering about the hype on Social media platforms and are considering adopting it for your brand, then this article is definitely for you? The idea is to tap…
Flipboard: Flip through the news on your Android device Flipboard, which was a Galaxy SIII exclusive earlier,is now available as a beta for almost all Android Devices. You can sign up for the beta here and they will send you a link to download the apk file within a few hours. Flipboard is a news…
The INDUSTRY News section from the Vol2. Issue of Your SMQ Social Media Quotient from Techdivine Creative Services. Stay tuned, lots more to follow! To stay updated for more Core pages and Your SMQ updates, Subscribe to us for FREE (Click Here) Your SMQ Techdivine Creative Services Tweet @YourSMQ — You can also Connect with…
Marketing and social media trend setters of 2011 and what we can expect in the year 2012 What were the trend setters of 2011 & What we can expect in terms of digital & social media technology integrated brand, product and services marketing for 2012 The top trend setters, Power house websites and applications…
The journey from Social Media to Assured Sales The journey from social media to assured sales is the one every brand would love to make. As it not only ensures good business, but also helps brands to establish themselves as “Consumers Choice”. Of the many aspects that are part of an online marketing campaign, there…
Simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips for your website: “Reuse Keywords & Meta Tags using Twitter hash tags & FB Discussions” “Submit your Urls from time to time to Valuable SEO Submission sites Only” “Text name your Core URLS link same as the keywords” “Use appropriate Social bookmarking Widgets on your site” “Keep Keyword Usage…
Dear Friends, This is in continuation to our earlier Blog Post of our First TechBrandsMeetUP event on 22nd May, 2011 (Link here Tech-BrandsMeetUP) and the Process to Register for the 2nd Tech-BrandsMeetUP at Mumbai THE EVENT entry is FREE! The very basic idea of having such a Tech-Brand meet-up is to bring together Industry Professionals, Brands, Consumers…
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