Wonderful Social Videos this week
Technology meets Fashion is this dress designed by Francesca Rosella of Fashion House CuteCircuit. Their clothes have graced the ramp and also pop celebrity Nicole Sherzinger.
Technology meets Fashion is this dress designed by Francesca Rosella of Fashion House CuteCircuit. Their clothes have graced the ramp and also pop celebrity Nicole Sherzinger.
Instagram recently made some changes to its terms of service and privacy policy which caused a lot of uproar among users. The language used was quite vague and the legal terminology did not make much sense to normal users. Some sites even reported that Instagram would have exclusive rights over your photos and would be free to sell them to advertisers and earn revenue. All this prompted Instagram’s co-founder Kevin Systrom to clarify what the terms actually meant.
Facebook has nestled a new button in between the “Home” and “Settings” button to give users quicker access to their privacy settings. These “privacy Shortcuts” look like a move to make it easier for users to control what is public and what is private.
It seems Twitter is not done with its updates and still has a few surprises left for us. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo was asked way back in September if users would ever have the option to download their tweets and he had replied in the affirmative.
We are going to list a few tips and tricks that will help you to make better use of the features utilised by Facebook. You might know a few, some might be new, but definitely all of them will be useful for you.
Marketing media tools for social media quotient and brand monitoring with ROI Today, consumers have become more attached, loyal and aware of their emotional quotient towards brands and this is something, no corporate or brand can afford to ignore. “Brands today have a much more responsible role than ever before, to humanize…
In a bid to hold its ground against Instagram and the likes, Twitter has announced an update to its app which will now allow users to edit their images and add image filters before tweeting them. Twitter in its blog post said it would be available on both Android and iOS.
Social media quotient for Brands, know Your SMQ How does Social Media Quotient influence our daily lives as end users or consumers? Your Social Media Quotient (SMQ) & Influence (SMI) Let’s say We need to make a purchase. It might be a product for daily use or a Corporate solution product or institutional bulk…
Google Plus has introduced a new way for people with similar interests to interact with “Communities”. Now you can join specific communities where people share your passion for Astronomy, Movies, Photography, Marketing etc.
That’s right, we at Techdivine Creative Services have gone Live with BETA mode of our first Real-Time Live chat for catering to queries of Social media, Social media marketing, brand marketing, SEO, Your SMQ Social Media Quotient using this Free chat function.
It’s in the BETA stage so inputs are welcome.
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