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Your SMQ – Social Media Quotient: Cover Page Launched

Dear Friends, We launched the Cover page of the much awaited and discussed Your SMQ – Social Media Quotient yesterday on  (31/03/2010) in Mumbai. The Final copies will be released soon. To know more on the contents and to get yourself a FREE digital Copy of the magazine, register with us for free here: YOUR…

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Advertising: Favourite Top Ads: India

Advertising Dear friends, This blog post is long overdue from my end. Finally after a quality survey in the last 2 weeks, I am writing this post on ADVERTISING as requested by many of our readers from India. Its been just over 7 years and across 18 Brands that I have divided my time between…

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Farming Socially: Farmville from Zynga

FarmVille (FV) is a real-time farm simulation  game developed by Zynga, available as an application on the social networking website Facebook and through their own Zynga Farmville Website. Farmville today has over 80 million users worldwide and the number is only increasing. Zynga has created a game larger than life, an idea cloned from Slashkey‘s…

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Batman & Spiderman: Secrets & More……..

I am a man of action. I love the power unleashed by DC Comics and Marvel Comics. I love all the gadgetry, the car chases and even the increasing ingenuity of the villains that come with the thrills of watching an action movie. However it is the superheroes segment of the action movie business that…

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Grab Our EXCLUSIVE Content

Dear Friends, Yesterday was the Launch of our much awaited “Exclusive Content Page” This page would give access to our: – Exclusive Merchandise – Videos – Updates on Events – Invite to our Launch parties & events – First hand sneak preview of all our latest updates and goodies….. How to Get access to this…

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‘Kudos’ to an amazing artist “Kseniya Simonova”

We recently thought of introducing to our readers with our ‘Kudos’ section as a tribute to amazingly skilled artists from across the globe. Those artists who have taken our breaths simply through their brilliance and talents. So here is ‘Kudos’ to an amazing artist for her creativity and sheer genius. We just love her art….