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Top 14 Social Networking Sites For You

There are a barrage of social networks out there for each and every aspect that you can imagine. Social networking sites for connecting with old friends, networks for sharing and discussing about photography and music, micro blogging sites and many more. We will list a few of these sites according to their categories for your benefit here. Social networks featured here may be past their prime or maybe rising suns depending on the number of active users.

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Marketing media tools for social media quotient and brand monitoring with ROI

Marketing media tools for social media quotient and brand monitoring with ROI        Today, consumers have become more attached, loyal and aware of their emotional quotient towards brands and this is something, no corporate or brand can afford to ignore. “Brands today have a much more responsible role than ever before, to humanize…

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Social media quotient for brands on Slideshare

Techdivine Creative Services is now on Slideshare as well. Watch presentations on improving your social media quotient, what is Your SMQ, whether you need it, key branding rules to be followed online and more!

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Social media quotient for Brands

Social media quotient for Brands, know Your SMQ   How does Social Media Quotient influence our daily lives as end users or consumers? Your Social Media Quotient (SMQ) & Influence (SMI) Let’s say We need to make a purchase. It might be a product for daily use or a Corporate solution product or institutional bulk…

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Google Plus introduces Communities

Google Plus has introduced a new way for people with similar interests to interact with “Communities”. Now you can join specific communities where people share your passion for Astronomy, Movies, Photography, Marketing etc.

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Your SMQ Social Media Quotient Free chat function has gone Live today

That’s right, we at Techdivine Creative Services have gone Live with BETA mode of our first Real-Time Live chat for catering to queries of Social media, Social media marketing, brand marketing, SEO, Your SMQ Social Media Quotient using this Free chat function.

It’s in the BETA stage so inputs are welcome.

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Tweet interactive images with links

A new service called Thinglink now lets you embed links in images that you tweet. Twitter only shows a preview of images that you tweet. Thinglink lets you insert links into the image that can be lead to your Facebook profile, your Twitter account, YouTube Channel and so on.

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Top 5 posts for this week

Top 5 posts for this week

Here are the Top 5 posts from our blog for the past weeks.

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Top 5 posts on Social Media and Technology

Top 5 posts on Social Media and Technology

Here are the Top 5 posts from our blog for the past month.

1. Social Media Brand Quotient APP from Techdivine Creative Services: