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Delivering Brand goals with Social media marketing:Read Case Studies

Delivering Brand goals with our Social media marketing experience across Industries – Read Case Studies – PART 1 We have been catering to Social media, brand monitoring, Search engine optimization (SEO)  integrated and lead generation campaigns across Industries for the past few years now. We are a digital marketing agency with a simple goal: “Innovate, work…

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Top 7 Posts On Social Media,Brand Marketing and Internet that you might have missed out on

“Ways to reinvigorate your social media campaign using social tools”

If you have been wondering about the hype on Social media platforms and are considering adopting it for your brand, then this article is definitely for you?

The idea is to tap the potential of online marketing and brand monitoring integrated with the power of SEO (Search engine optimization) as part of your social media marketing campaign?

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Customized social media brand marketing using right set of tools Part 1

Customized social media brand marketing using right set of tools – Part 1 “Ways to reinvigorate your social media campaign using social tools” If you have been wondering about the hype on Social media platforms and are considering adopting it for your brand, then this article is definitely for you? The idea is to tap…

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Key Branding rules online

Key BRANDING Rules online  Brand managers today have been placed at a position, more accountable than ever before.  So before one goes ahead using the power of online marketing, social media marketing, brand monitoring, seo tools of today and leverages it for their brand, it is very much essential to know, what are the keys…

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The new Facebook Brand pages are here

The New Facebook brand pages are here!   What does it mean for BRANDS   TIMELINE: The power of  TIMELINE is here! Share your STORY by adding in as much details about You, Your BRAND as you can. This could be the Story behind your Logo, Brand name, History, how it all began, the progress…

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The journey from Social Media to Assured Sales for Brands

The journey from Social Media to Assured Sales The journey from social media to assured sales is the one every brand would love to make.  As it not only ensures good business, but also helps brands to establish themselves as “Consumers Choice”. Of the many aspects that are part of an online marketing campaign, there…

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Key Branding Rules for Social Media Marketing

Key Branding Rules on Social Media Brand managers have been placed at a higher sense of responsible and more accountable position than ever before. So before one goes ahead with the power of online marketing tools, Offline solutions, Creative writing for content of your product across sites online etc  of today and leverages it for…