Social media quotient for Brands
Social media quotient for Brands, know Your SMQ
How does Social Media Quotient influence our daily lives as end users or consumers?
Your Social Media Quotient (SMQ) & Influence (SMI)
Let’s say We need to make a purchase. It might be a product for daily use or a Corporate solution product or institutional bulk industrial purchase. Today the first place we look is across Websites, search engines, social networking sites, discussion forums etc before we actually make the purchase. Reviews, opinions from our peers, friends play a much more important role than a celebrity brand endorsement. A powerful Social Media Quotient analysis (SMQ) and Social Media Influence (SMI) measurement and tracking helps you target and reach those who influence these decisions and connect with them for a fruitful Online reach globally and locally.
No wonder the’mantra’ for today goes ‘GLO-CAL’ as in, Go Global & think Local.
Your Social Media Quotient Quality Audit report is a one of a kind integrated power house of information resource about metrics that goes beyond hits and traffic. It is Brand metrics to the core generated by our Social Media Team in-house. Right from the Top keywords to the most influential sections and campaign phrases that do wonders, brand mentions that need to be immediately addressed, Brand shares that were well received, get such insightful in-depth analysis to evaluate and further value add to Your Online Marketing campaigns for Social Media Monitoring & Brand reputation management including for your Viral Marketing campaigns and SEO services from our end.
You can also connect with us for Queries on Social Media Quotient for Corporate Brands across these sites Online:
- Social Media Quotient Quick Form
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- Social Media Quotient Brand Android App on Google Play
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