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An Eco friendly HOLI in support of World Water day
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Judging the mood at IIT…
Judging the mood at IIT: MOODINDIGO 2007 As the next event was getting set, one of the organizer, Prathamesh, apologized for hurrying up of this event but I guess they had to…. And as I hardly got 10 minutes to look into more than 30 teams and give my judgment on the same,…
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Contemporary Artist Indian: Upcoming and Famous Indian artists renowned for contemporary art.
The new entrant in Artists Galleries and Directories Upcoming and Famous Indian artists renowned for contemporary art. The new addition to the well known score of India’s upcoming and famous artists is ANANTHANARAYANAN V and you can see his profile here: Also, his site has been awarded the Art award recently!…
Everything I touch seems to have life
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Foursquare launches business companion app for merchants
Foursquare has launched a Business companion app for business users to easily post and manage content from their smartphones.
An Eco friendly HOLI in support of World Water day
Holi is just around the corner and will be celebrated on March 27th 2012. Youngsters are already arming themselves with water balloons and drenching unsuspecting passerby’s. Few of them pause to consider that this balloons hurt both people and the planet.
Judging the mood at IIT…
Judging the mood at IIT: MOODINDIGO 2007 As the next event was getting set, one of the organizer, Prathamesh, apologized for hurrying up of this event but I guess they had to…. And as I hardly got 10 minutes to look into more than 30 teams and give my judgment on the same,…
Monday memes for a fun start to your week
Monday memes for a fun start to your week. Which one is your personal favorite? Have a wonderful and resourceful fun filled week ahead. You can connect with Us on Facebook – Twitter – Slideshare – You Tube – Pinterest Team Techdivine Techdivine Creative Services Recent Posts: Free Adwords: Integrate Social media marketing analytics for your campaign Selfie of a superhero
Contemporary Artist Indian: Upcoming and Famous Indian artists renowned for contemporary art.
The new entrant in Artists Galleries and Directories Upcoming and Famous Indian artists renowned for contemporary art. The new addition to the well known score of India’s upcoming and famous artists is ANANTHANARAYANAN V and you can see his profile here: Also, his site has been awarded the Art award recently!…
Everything I touch seems to have life
Everything I touch seems to have life. Or is it that our passion rubs off on to those around us. Well, if that be true, let’s stay and share things that can make us more positive everyday. Belief and system have never gone hand in hand and that’s why we have those with the unconventional…
Foursquare launches business companion app for merchants
Foursquare has launched a Business companion app for business users to easily post and manage content from their smartphones.
An Eco friendly HOLI in support of World Water day
Holi is just around the corner and will be celebrated on March 27th 2012. Youngsters are already arming themselves with water balloons and drenching unsuspecting passerby’s. Few of them pause to consider that this balloons hurt both people and the planet.
Judging the mood at IIT…
Judging the mood at IIT: MOODINDIGO 2007 As the next event was getting set, one of the organizer, Prathamesh, apologized for hurrying up of this event but I guess they had to…. And as I hardly got 10 minutes to look into more than 30 teams and give my judgment on the same,…
Monday memes for a fun start to your week
Monday memes for a fun start to your week. Which one is your personal favorite? Have a wonderful and resourceful fun filled week ahead. You can connect with Us on Facebook – Twitter – Slideshare – You Tube – Pinterest Team Techdivine Techdivine Creative Services Recent Posts: Free Adwords: Integrate Social media marketing analytics for your campaign Selfie of a superhero
Contemporary Artist Indian: Upcoming and Famous Indian artists renowned for contemporary art.
The new entrant in Artists Galleries and Directories Upcoming and Famous Indian artists renowned for contemporary art. The new addition to the well known score of India’s upcoming and famous artists is ANANTHANARAYANAN V and you can see his profile here: Also, his site has been awarded the Art award recently!…
Everything I touch seems to have life
Everything I touch seems to have life. Or is it that our passion rubs off on to those around us. Well, if that be true, let’s stay and share things that can make us more positive everyday. Belief and system have never gone hand in hand and that’s why we have those with the unconventional…