Top Technology, Social Media, Creative & Market News for the week

Top Technology, Social Media, Creative & Market News for the week

Top Technology, Social Media, Creative & Market News for the week


  1. For HARRY POTTER Fans – Harry Potter’s Diagon Alley—Now on “Google Street View”

Harry Potter  Diagon Alley
Harry Potter Diagon Alley

Click here to View it on Google Street View – Harry Potter – Diagon Alley


2. Leaked Pictures: Back of the Nokia EOS/Elvis for AT&T, 2013

Src Img:

Nokia evleaks



3. Nike Sets Up Laser ‎Soccer Fields Across Madrid


Nike Laser Soccer
Nike Laser Soccer field



4. ICO update on Google Privacy Policy


An ICO spokesperson said:

“We have today written to Google to confirm our findings relating to the update of the company’s privacy policy. In our letter we confirm that its updated privacy policy raises serious questions about its compliance with the UK Data Protection Act.

“In particular, we believe that the updated policy does not provide sufficient information to enable UK users of Google’s services to understand how their data will be used across all of the company’s products.

“Google must now amend their privacy policy to make it more informative for individual service users. Failure to take the necessary action to improve the policies compliance with the Data Protection Act by 20 September will leave the company open to the possibility of formal enforcement action.”

Read the complete article post here – ICO – Google Privacy policy

5. Vibrating Train Windows Transmit Ads Directly Into Your Head



6. A New Way to Heal Broken Bones: 3D-Printed Casts

3d printed cast



7. Top Commodities Market News for the day

  • Ventura commodities research insights
  • Crude: Bullish momentum to continue (NEWS CNBC Video) Moneycontrol
  • Ventura Commodities Agri Pivot Table
  • Trade in Commodities with Low Brokerage



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