Toronto Silent Film Festival capitalizes on Instagram in unique advertising promotion
Toronto Silent Film Festival capitalizes on Instagram in unique advertising promotion
The Toronto Film Festival screens some of the world’s finest silent films every year paired with music which is played live by accomplished artists. This year, the festival commences on April 4th and last till 9th. In a unique advertising campaign, the festival has moved to social media platform Instagram with an animated short to promote its movies. But Instagram doesn’t support animation, only photographs, so how was this actually done?

Three Instagram accounts have been created separately, each for the trailer of one movie. The movies featured are Murnau’s “Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans”, an excerpt from the 1925 feature “Tumbleweeds” and another scene from the Del Lord short “Super-Hooper-Dyne Lizzies”. Each account has shots of frames from the specific movie. 30 frames each to be precise. All you need to do is switch the view to slideshow, so that all the images are displayed one below the other and then scroll rapidly downwards. This creates a flip-book type effect which helps to animate the frames. Thus in tsff_1. you see a lady and a gentleman dancing, in tsff_2 a horse gallops across the screen, and finally in tsff_3, a man is putting in a lot of strenuous effort to push a car.
Canadian advertising agency Cossette are the brains behind this really entertaining advertising campaign. With social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter on the rise, it makes sense to leverage its power to reach out to your audience in an unorthodox yet entertaining manner. Reach us to know more about various customized brand marketing and ROI based social media campaigns.
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