Mumbai Comic Con makes a big splash.

Mumbai Comic Con makes a big splash.

The Mumbai Film and Comics Convention which took place at the World Trade Center in Cuffe Parade is a paradise for comic book lovers and geeks. Since we at Techdivine are comic aficionados as well, it was obvious that we would definitely attend it. And it didn’t disappoint at all. For those who couldn’t make it, worry not, we will give you a short visual experience of the amazing stuff we witnessed.

Volunteers at the entrance gave us a Comic Con wrist band which we were flaunting for quite a while later. Even as we were walking towards the venue, we could see a lot of cosplayers in varied costumes arriving in hordes.

comic con bands

As soon as you stepped crossed the threshold, you were treated to an amazing mash up collage poster of different cartoon characters in one huge poster.

comic con entrance poster

Take a second to enlarge this image and see the amount of details and characters this behemoth of a poster contains. Phantom, Gandalf, Tintin, Chacha Chaudhary, Archie, Gollum trying to steal Mr. India’s watch are just among a few of the characters you will notice.

The venue was lined with stalls selling various items, from comics, graphic novels, bobbleheads, collectible figures, t-shirts, posters and what not. It was like christmas had come early. We had a hard time trying not to run around from stall to stall like maniacs drooling over some of the mind blowing collections on display. Where else can you could buy a Bane bobblehead, Game Of Thrones playing cards, Bazinga t-shirts, limited edition comic books from dozens of well known publishers or well, you get my drift. I will let the pictures do the talking.

Here is Bane next to Thor’s hammer and Buzz Lightyear.

Bane Bobblehead

How could The Dark Knight be far away?

Batman Bobblehead

The dark side beckons via these comfortable Darth Vader slippers.

Darth Vader Shoes

How many characters can you identify below?

Bobblehead dolls

Thor flexing his muscles and trying to steal Buzz Lightyears thunder.

Thor and Buzz Lightyear

A free complimentary comic that we received at The Content Company stall. You could also enter a contest at this stall by clicking a photo with their merchandise and posting it on Facebook.

Exposed Comic Con

The Beast legion graphic novel had created a lot of buzz around. We heard a lot of positive word of mouth publicity and did check out the stall. This series does hold some promise. Make sure to keep an eye out for it.

Beast Legion graphic Novel

Did you know that the Big B had his own comic series back in the day? Neither did we! That’s why we were pleasantly surprised when we stumbled across this interesting piece of information.

Amitabh Bachchan Superhero Comic

Amitabh Bachchan Superhero Comic

These are just a few images that we captured from the event. There were a plethora of experiences to be had. Interesting contests, special events conducted, celebrities to be spotted and a lot more. This was definitely an experience that would remain embedded in our minds  for quite a while. We can’t wait for the next Comic Con to be held in Mumbai. Until then, “Live long and prosper!”

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