Keeping Focus & achieving Goals in Life

Keeping Focus & achieving Goals in Life

Keeping Focus & achieving Goals in Life

A very Special Guest Post from Arun George

Interacting with associates and peers over the past decade has helped me a lot to bring together the right mix of skills and ideas that have gone into building long lasting business relationships.

The single most important learning I have acquired is that, there is no asset more valuable than ‘people’ and no skill stronger than ‘bringing people together to get the best out of everyone“.

I thought of sharing some experiences with all of you, that has been very valuable for me. This can be a wonderful stage for all of us to pool in our ideas, views, queries, suggestions and build a stronger & larger network to grow and develop together.

To begin with, I wanted Your Views on “What are the most pressing challenges that you face in your journey towards your goals?”

But first let me share with you the biggest challenge I ever had during my entrepreneurial journey of last eleven years, especially the later part of it.

It was Keeping my Focus.

Have you ever observed that over a period of time “stuff” gets accumulated in your wallet or purse – like name cards, receipts, notes etc. And we go through the exercise of dumping everything out of the wallet and re-organize it. We keep the name cards in a card holder, throw away some of that “stuff” and keep what we think we need in appropriate place. After the process we usually find the wallet to have reduced in thickness by almost half.

I have found that to maintain my focus I need to do this with myself. Over a period of time I add up “stuff” in to my life which gets converted to activities that demand a lot of time from me and do not contribute to my actual goals in anyway. So every once in a while I need to look at all the activities that I do on a daily basis, evaluate it, throw away what’s not needed and re-enforce the core activities.

Maintaining focus had been such a difficult task for me especially when you have a heart that wants to do a lot of things in so many different areas.

But I realized that the strategy for success is in identifying what’s really important and weeding away the things that look good but are not important. Focus then becomes a task of not only constantly looking for what’s important, but also consciously removing wrong kind of activities that have accumulated in to my life.

So, What are the most pressing challenges that you face in your journey towards your goals? Do share your comments with me here.

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