Advertising & Marketing: Impacting with the Social & Digital age

The nature of consumer engagement today is radically changing. Focus on specific program initiatives, pre-defined goal oriented plans and working across media to customize and get integrated reusable and utility based digital and traditional content for the end user (Customers, Audience, Stakeholders etc) is the core today.
Advertising and marketing have grown and matured over the years. The idea has become more than clear that sticking on to traditional media or at the same time, pushing the new age media to ‘purely sell’ is not going to get the marketer even an ounce of value addition or brand equity.
Value addition for the clients can be in terms of higher market penetration, better product positioning, increase in volume sales and volume market growth. The need here is to shift from a pure marketing oriented approach or a selling approach to connecting with the consumer by humanizing your brand with higher quality services and being an active part of today’s powerful communication prism across the globe.
When we talk about the needs today, the consumer has ideas that he is looking forward from his product. Similarly the audiences have expectations from their services to go beyond providing what’s been promised. In such cases, consumers are the main open source to get insights about what the market needs, to touch that common nerve appeal.
So let’s grow beyond simply advertising and marketing to a new world order of conversation prism by focusing across channels based on market, insights and need.
The idea to begin with, in this new age digital content era is to be where your consumer today is.
So keep conversing and stay connected.
Let us know of your views on the same.
Ananth V
Social Media Marketing, Design Services, Your SMQ & Creative Writing
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