How to do the Buzz? – Google Buzz
They have the web at their disposal.
They have the technology and the thinking.
They have the cast, crew and their ever loyal followers.
No wonder they have all the buzz too.
The google wave caught one and all with it’s amazingly equipped features (Click to read – ‘Google Wave – Part1 & Part2’).
Now the new buzz has plenty of features integrated too. The likes of Twitter applications and the many core features of today’s social messiah, Facebook too are integrated into the buzz.
To start with, the millions of existing gmail users are already a part of the buzz. The idea as quoted by the Vice President of Google for product management Mr.Bradley Horowitz behind the buzz was to blend the two core of any social connect today, sharing and that too in real time. The features allow you as an individual and as an entrepreneur to use the buzz of social media to the core to connect with your peers and friends in real time.
Core features:
Auto Following – Connect with the existing millions of your friends and connections from GMAIL
Integrate with your Inbox and share pictures and videos and receive real time comments

Connect with your sites too.
Twitter like comments and feeds are posted and also one can send messages by sending a “@individual” accounts too. Biggie here being no 140 character limit and one can post feeds or messages including images etc. and tag it as part of the gmail reply feature too to connect and reply in real time.
Flickr, Picasa, Youtube Videos share and other pictures are shared easily.
Create a group of your own set of contacts and post updates, your own content, news and messages to them. Respond, interact and get responses like “Likes / Comments” instantaneously. Gather your feedback and respond on the go.
One can integrate it with your phone through ‘Google Mobile’s Website’ – use “”. Once done, users can post through voice recognition, place pages can be integrated with geo tags and all in real time. With this Google has added another catchy feature of knowing what those “geotagged” nearby people are talking about by using the nearby feature on your phone.

So, now we know what all the buzz is really about.
Not really.There’s lot more to come……
Meanwhile, do share your views and comments with us.
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Ananth V
Product Consultant
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