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Writing Blogs for authors (Top list, Free Blogging & More)

  Over the past few months, we at TECHDIVINE have been getting quite a few e-mails, enquiring about so many different things on blogging and websites. So we thought, why not list down few of those which were asked repeatedly, post them here and probably even try to link them up with answers / sites / links as possible solutions…

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Addiction: Contagiously unique: Dying to get Offline, but alas!

      “Greatness adds to the Good & evil begets evil, as simple as that”    One 12 year old kid, who was supposed to enjoy his summer vacations by going out or playing till he drops in the heat, was having a horrible day yesterday, because his mother was not allowing him to play…


Life, Teenage and beyond: “When I was 21….. It was a very good year”: Missing 21

   Another ‘good’ year,  or is it? A stressful month, painful week, draining last few days…. has finally brought me to a not so energetic weekend. Duh! It’s 6am IST on a Saturday and I am awake writing a blog…. So take a wild guess! But yes, I had few other realizations of f late…