Games: Nintendo Wii

Some of the best Innovations are the simplest & most user friendly.

Here is another fun filled action packed such offering from Nintendo Wii


wii o mania around the globe
wii o mania around the globe


Wrap up your sleeve and you are ready for a pulsating action packed ride. Literally!

Very easy to use and extremely addictive.

Amazing channel and media with online capabilities with unique features such as a Weather forecast channel, news channel, photo gallery channel, the amazing Mii for Create your own avatars, messages channel , it is a complete thriller.

Some amazing features of Mii from Wii:

wii mii
wii mii

Users can create, modify their own personal 3D Miis, right from face, to accessories to handedness of the individual.  These Miis are cute characters with amazing feature and characteristic capabilities to create Miis that look like him / her your friends or anyone you know.

Downside: Sadly, Wii does not play audio CDs or video DVDs, which is something of a disappointment.

Some cool Wii Accessories

The Wii Remote

wii remote
wii remote

 One Wii Remote comes with the console for any more, You can get them for approx $40. Or better get a Wii Play that already has an extra remote.

The Wii MotionPlus

 This gadget plugs into the bottom of the Wii Remote and provides extra movement information to improve controller tracking.

WOW! The Wii Speak

wii speak
wii speak

 USB microphone designed that will let users talk to each other online.

The Wii Nunchuk

wii nunchuk
wii nunchuk

 Few games require these and again, check with the Wii Sports bundle, you should get the Nunchucks.

Whats the Wii Zapper

wii zapper
wii zapper

A plastic that is gun-shaped housing for the Nunchuk and Wii Remote. The Zapper is handy for first-person shooters or games that involve some kind of Wii Remote aiming mechanic. The Zapper is available for about $20 comes with a minigame called Link’s Crossbow Training

The Wii Classic Controller

 The Wii Classic Controller is a traditional gamepad designed for legacy Virtual Console games.



Approx Wii Cost : $249.99.

Wii games Cost: From the cool Wii games, Virtual console games to Wiiware game: range is $5 to $50

Its a Pulsating go – getter that would make you go wiiiiiiiii (I did not wanna say that!)

Image Source: Nintendo

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