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A journey, not so routine: Travelling forward in Time
A trailer truck and my car fell in love with each other for a brief moment. The result was a dented door and broken mirror. The fall out was that the car went to rest in the garage and I travelled by Mumbai’s famed local train for few days. So I trudged to the railway…
Social & Corporate Responsibility: Stay Connected
With so much of social media marketing, brand analysis, consumer needs statistics, product insight interactions etc the power of media & the number game online, it becomes a great everyday learning school and a wonderful experience. It adds so much of learning on the real meaning of the term BRAND with respect to different products…
CONTEST is here – Loads of Prizes to be won!
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Expressions …. since the Launch
Dear Friends, I would like to sincerely THANK YOU for all your support in making Expressions a well reviewed and cherished coffee table Poetry Book. I would also like to thank the Times Of India team & Amazon for having faith in my work and helping me make it my first publication success. It’s been…
A journey, for Art’s sake!
March 11th, 2008 Destination: Bapugoan, Dahanu Village, Maharashtra, India Purpose: Being part of the Documentation shoot about the Warli art and one of its immense talent: Mr.Ramesh Hengadi. About the Artist: Mr.Ramesh, will soon be reaching out to the world showcasing his skills and bringing India closer in the art front on the international map….
Standard Chartered 2010 MUMBAI Marathon
The 7th Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon (SCMM) 2010 kicked off at the crack of dawn today (Sunday, 17th Jan,2010). This event representing each individual running for their cause is undoubtedly one of Asia’s largest philanthropic events in India. The event was alive at this 7th year SCMM run with each one running for the causes…
A journey, not so routine: Travelling forward in Time
A trailer truck and my car fell in love with each other for a brief moment. The result was a dented door and broken mirror. The fall out was that the car went to rest in the garage and I travelled by Mumbai’s famed local train for few days. So I trudged to the railway…
Social & Corporate Responsibility: Stay Connected
With so much of social media marketing, brand analysis, consumer needs statistics, product insight interactions etc the power of media & the number game online, it becomes a great everyday learning school and a wonderful experience. It adds so much of learning on the real meaning of the term BRAND with respect to different products…
CONTEST is here – Loads of Prizes to be won!
FIRST Official Contest Announced. Loads of Prizes to be won….. CLick for CONTEST Page Other Links for Contest:
Expressions …. since the Launch
Dear Friends, I would like to sincerely THANK YOU for all your support in making Expressions a well reviewed and cherished coffee table Poetry Book. I would also like to thank the Times Of India team & Amazon for having faith in my work and helping me make it my first publication success. It’s been…
A journey, for Art’s sake!
March 11th, 2008 Destination: Bapugoan, Dahanu Village, Maharashtra, India Purpose: Being part of the Documentation shoot about the Warli art and one of its immense talent: Mr.Ramesh Hengadi. About the Artist: Mr.Ramesh, will soon be reaching out to the world showcasing his skills and bringing India closer in the art front on the international map….
Standard Chartered 2010 MUMBAI Marathon
The 7th Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon (SCMM) 2010 kicked off at the crack of dawn today (Sunday, 17th Jan,2010). This event representing each individual running for their cause is undoubtedly one of Asia’s largest philanthropic events in India. The event was alive at this 7th year SCMM run with each one running for the causes…
A journey, not so routine: Travelling forward in Time
A trailer truck and my car fell in love with each other for a brief moment. The result was a dented door and broken mirror. The fall out was that the car went to rest in the garage and I travelled by Mumbai’s famed local train for few days. So I trudged to the railway…
Social & Corporate Responsibility: Stay Connected
With so much of social media marketing, brand analysis, consumer needs statistics, product insight interactions etc the power of media & the number game online, it becomes a great everyday learning school and a wonderful experience. It adds so much of learning on the real meaning of the term BRAND with respect to different products…
CONTEST is here – Loads of Prizes to be won!
FIRST Official Contest Announced. Loads of Prizes to be won….. CLick for CONTEST Page Other Links for Contest:
Expressions …. since the Launch
Dear Friends, I would like to sincerely THANK YOU for all your support in making Expressions a well reviewed and cherished coffee table Poetry Book. I would also like to thank the Times Of India team & Amazon for having faith in my work and helping me make it my first publication success. It’s been…
A journey, for Art’s sake!
March 11th, 2008 Destination: Bapugoan, Dahanu Village, Maharashtra, India Purpose: Being part of the Documentation shoot about the Warli art and one of its immense talent: Mr.Ramesh Hengadi. About the Artist: Mr.Ramesh, will soon be reaching out to the world showcasing his skills and bringing India closer in the art front on the international map….
Standard Chartered 2010 MUMBAI Marathon
The 7th Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon (SCMM) 2010 kicked off at the crack of dawn today (Sunday, 17th Jan,2010). This event representing each individual running for their cause is undoubtedly one of Asia’s largest philanthropic events in India. The event was alive at this 7th year SCMM run with each one running for the causes…