IIM Indore my blog: The Life at IIM I
Nostalgia, Learning that was – LIFE at IIM I
The journey began with an entrance exam on paper and ended with the Learning stock that is priceless for ages.

So was the journey at IIM Indore for our PGCPM batch of 2007. As we entered into the IIM I campus and found ourselves inside the huge auditorium with levels, where right from the “Badshahs” of business to the Maharajas of Politics had made there presence felt at some point of time or the other.
The emotion of each student was running sky high that day as we awaited the Director of IIM I to make his entrance. Eventually we eased in and as the sessions began the same day giving us a hint of what was to come. Honestly, most of us were not prepared for what “was” to come in the rolling days ahead.
At the end of the week, we were exhausted with the load of assignments and case studies already, yet, as we came out of the session room the whole batch stood still. It was the amazingly breathtaking sight of the evening hues on the setting sun right in front of the Library in the campus. It was stunningly gorgeous.
All of us settled down gradually as we returned to our dwelling places and with the routine learning and the intermittent shocks that our subject gurus used to give us we learnt a lot more than just case studies in this Learning process.
We learnt a lot from each other at every stage. We had people with great business skills and amazing professional knowledge in the group. We learnt about group dynamics, team work, focus on a single goal, standing up for each member, fighting for what is right, hard work and so many amazing qualities that no amount of books could give us, from one another.
The journey we eventually understood, was never about the course, it was about how to grow in the society with each other and come out strong with positive values and skills.
Kudos to my friends at 2007 batch and very special hats off to few of them who gave so much more than just friendship.

So at the end of the lovely journey of IIM I, a special thanks to those amazing friends who meant a lot and made profound impact on the whole group.
So, Thanks to Ajay for his amazing humble nature, Thanks to Sushma for her relentless never give up attitude, Thanks to Vishnu and Sakha for showing what energy in group is all about and how much it helps for one to survive each day of hard work in and out, Thanks to Mudita for her sheer energy and brilliance, Thanks to Bipin for his uncanny sense of humor and Thanks to Rahul for the everyday ride in his fantastic Scorpio.
I know I am sounding a bit shaken, but rest assured the knowledge has been stirred in well. Bit of quantum of solace mood I am in today I guess.
God bless and be well
Ananth V