Choked by a Crab!!!


For a friend: Interpreting dreams!
Choked by a crab

What happens when you dream that you are being choked by a crab? Nothing, you get up, have a glass of water and go back to sleep again.
Normally it is said that when you dream of something like the one above, it shows that there is very less connection between your mind and your heart and you act on impulses. It means you have emotions that have been suppressed for long and you need to be more open with your feelings and express yourself. And as for crabs, they represent tenacity, meaning you might be too clingy and stubborn with something and not ready to let go off that.
Does interpreting dreams have something to do with our way of life in the society? No. But dreams and dreaming about things mean a lot and have a prominent place in human psychology.
Normally it is stated that those who act on impulses and are very aggressive in nature dream less than the apparently more socially acceptable figures in society.
The reason being, it is stated that dreams are nothing but your sub-conscious telling you want to do something that you might know to be right or wrong. Something you would not want to do in public. Hence those who are brought forth in society as people who say things as they are and act on impulses have fewer dreams as they speak out and react about what is there in their mind such that there are lesser thoughts in their sub-conscious running hitherto.
Is that why many researchers say that animals don’t dream much…… hmmm…… let me just hope I be more human and get more such dreams day in and day out…… but always remember, as the old quote goes:
Dreams that come true sometimes can be as unsettling as those dreams which don’t!
be well & happy dreaming!
Ananthanarayanan V

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