The nature of consumer engagement today is radically changing. Focus on specific program initiatives, pre-defined goal oriented plans and working across media to customize and get integrated reusable and utility based digital and traditional content for the end user (Customers, Audience, Stakeholders etc) is the core today. Advertising and marketing have grown and matured over […]
Posts Tagged ‘stumble’
Advertising & Marketing: Impacting with the Social & Digital age
July 7th, 2010
Posted in advertising, Bloggers Zone, creative writer, creative writing, facebook, Forum, Popular Web blogs & links, Reading, Search Engines, SEO, social bookmarking, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, Social Networking Sites (SNS), technology, twitter | Tags: audience, blog, brand monitoring, business brand, connecting with consumer, Conversation prism, customers, delicious, digg, digital content, digital media, end user, facebook, facebook monitor, feeds, Forum, humanize brand, India, IP, larger market volume, lead generation techniques, market and organizational goals, market penetration, marketing services, measuring social media, new age media advertising, niche market, online marketing services, quality service, reddit, RSS, selling approach, social media marketing, social media monitoring tools, social media quotient, stakeholders, stumble, traditional media, tweet brand, twitter, value addition, Your SMQ, youtube
Protected: Social Media Marketing (SMM) – From root level, Why it will work?
January 8th, 2010
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Posted in blogging tips, creative writing, Education & Learning, facebook, Forum, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, Social Networking Sites (SNS), TECHDIVINE, technology, twitter | Tags: best schools, big brands, blog, brand presence, branding, buy, connect with users, creative writing, digg, Diggit, direct marketing, direct selling, education, emailers, facebook, fmcg social media, harvard business, learning stress, linkedin, long term branding, market research, marketing, marketing collaterals, marketing services, Mashable, online marketing, P&G, podcast, Procter & Gamble, professional branding experience, relevance, rss feeds, sell, share, skills, social bookmarking, social media, social media channel, social media consultants, social media marketing, social media quotient, social media services, social media tracking, social networking sites, spam, Starbucks, students, stumble, subscribe social media, teaching, technology, technology tools, top schools, toysrus, twitter, users, youtube, Zynga