Posts Tagged ‘search results’

Lessons in search from Google

I signed up for Google’s Power searching lessons class as soon as i came to know about it. When Google offers to teach you about methods to improve and refine your searches,its like taking driving lessons from Michael Schumacher. And teach well, they did. They did it so well that i got a 100% on their assessments. Now i am not saying that i can find results for whatever you throw at me,i am implying that these lessons have helped me to uncover a lot of tools that Google has integrated into its search engine that we normally ignore. But these tools can help to shave off a considerable amount of time on your searches and most importantly, reduce your efforts. You can go through the complete courses here, but in case you just want the gist of the matter,i am going to summarize some tricks that might help you become a better searcher.

Google Plus One Button for Your rich SEO

Does Google’s +1 button matter?  Google Plus One Button for Your rich SEO The title seems ironic right? If it’s by Google, it will matter. It does, but not in the same way that we would expect. The plus one button was touted as being to Google plus what the like button is to facebook. […]

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