Social Media Quotient – MarketingSMQ Week updates Measuring Online Marketing As part of the #marketingsmq week, lot was shared from the Marketing & Social Media Team at Techdivine Creative Services on our Facebook Page (Our Facebook Group updates to follow soon) Here is a list of Guidelines, Ideas, Techniques, Tools & More for You to […]
Posts Tagged ‘location based target marketing’
Social Media Quotient – MarketingSMQ Week updates
January 12th, 2011
Posted in Education & Learning, facebook, Freebies, Geo Location Based Target Marketing, marketingsmq, Mobile Integrated SMM, Posterous, Search Engines, SEO, social bookmarking, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, Social Networking Sites (SNS), technology, twitter | Tags: blog, blogger, Brand, Brand & reputation Management, brand ambassador, brand launch, Corporate Connect, creative marketing, customer analysis, Customer Insights, Customer Opinions, customized industry based campaigns, Digital Marketing, facebook, foursquare, Free Online Marketing Resources, geo location based, google, hootsuite, keyword density, keyword optimization, linkedin, location based target marketing, makreting campaigns, Marketing reports, marketing research, Marketing SMQ, marketingsmq, Measuring Your ROI, micro blog, new age media, Online Conversations, Polls, product marketing, research, search engine, SEO, SME, SMI, SMM, SMQ, social media, social media marketing, social media monitoring tools, social media quotient, Tools for Brand Monitoring, twitter, Website design services, wordpress
Top Online Marketing Updates of 2010 (Technology, Brand Monitoring & Marketing)
December 27th, 2010
Top Online (Technology & Marketing ) Updates for 2010: We are in for a brand new beginning very soon with 2011 just around the corner. So we thought we would bring together some of the most important updates, wonderful freebies, free tools for Marketing online, Brand management guides, ideas & more with design trends with […]
Posted in 2011, advertising, Amazing Social & design packages, Bloggers Zone, blogging tips, creative writing, Creativity & Know-you, digital art, Education & Learning, facebook, Foursquare, Freebies, Geo Location Based Target Marketing, Google Instant, Google wave, Mobile Integrated SMM, Popular Web blogs & links, Posterous, Search Engines, SEO, social bookmarking, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, Social Networking Sites (SNS), technology, twitter | Tags: adobe, advertising & marketing agency, Advertising agency marketing campaigns, Android, Art marketing campaigns, banking marketing campaigns, Blackberry, blog, brand mentions, brand monitoring, conversations, creative marketing connect, CRM tools, customer feedback, Customer Insights, customized online marketing, educational marketing campaigns, emailer campaigns, Exclusive Corporate Offers, facebook, finance marketing campaigns, FMCG marketing campaigns, foursquare, Free marketing tools, Free Social media Tools, Freebies, google, Hospitality marketing campaigns, html, Industrial marketing campaigns, Infrastructure marketing campaigns, integrate traditional media, iPad, iphone, location based target marketing, market penetration, measuring roi, measuring ROI on social media, MLM marketing campaigns, NGO marketing campaigns, online marketing services, Online Marketing Tools, Photoshop tutorials, posterous, product marketing, product reach, Retail marketing campaigns, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, SMM, SMM campaigns, social media, Social Media & CRM, social media marketing, social media quotient, techdivine creative services, trading & broking marketing campaigns, twitter, viral marketing campaigns, web banner campaigns, wordpress, Your SMQ