If you have the habit of checking into places on social networking sites, you most probably use Foursquare to do so. For those who don’t know, Foursquare is an app which allows you to discover new places and share your where with others.
Posts Tagged ‘foursquare’
Using Foursquare to be more productive while you travel
June 7th, 2012
Posted in Android, Android APP, Apple, Blackberry, Custom Facebook APPS, facebook, Foursquare, Geo Location Based Target Marketing, Google Android, Mobile Phones, Share to Connect, Smartphone, Smartphones, social bookmarking, Social Branding, Social Media Android App, Social Networking Sites (SNS), social travel, Softwares, technology, Technology Products, travel | Tags: Android, Apple, Blackberry, brand loyalty, Brand Specials, checkins, Consumer gratification, explore, explore social, foursquare, geo explore, Geo Marketing, geo tips, geo travel, online marketing, social media, social media marketing, social travel app, TECHDIVINE, travel specials, travel tips
Location based target marketing to bring together online and offline users
April 18th, 2012
Using Location based target marketing to bring together online and offline users Location based marketing or geo target marketing in real terms is bringing the offline and online consumer under one place irrespective of where the individual is. The idea being, to bring them under one single place to interact and engage with the brand […]
Posted in Android, Android APP, Creative Marketing Industry Specific, facebook, Foursquare, Free Mobile Apps, Geo Location Based Target Marketing, Google Android, Google Circles, Google Plus, Hospitality Industry, marketingsmq, Mobile Barcode Scanner, Mobile Integrated SMM, Online Marketing Services, QR code, Restaurant, SEO, social bookmarking, Social Branding, Social Media Android App, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, Your SMQ | Tags: Bluetooth messaging services, brand analysis, Brand Marketing agency Mumbai, Brand page, customized brand monitoring, customized industry based marketing, customized marketing services, Digital marketing agency Mumbai, Digital Marketing Services, Facebook Places, foursquare, geo tagging, geo target marketing, Geo-location based marketing, Google Plus Hangouts, gowalla, GPS, location-based marketing, near field communication, nfc, Social Media agency Mumbai, social media analysis, social media marketing, social media quotient, Target marketing services, Your SMQ, Your SMQ Services, Your SMQ social media quotient