12 Common misconceptions about Social Media Social media has over the past few years sky rocketed from being a “fad” to being seriously considered by reputed brands, big business houses, business leaders and individuals as a powerful tool, process and medium to reach out to prospects and end users. It has seen a tremendous surge […]
Posts Tagged ‘Digital marketing agency’
12 Common misconceptions about Social Media
March 18th, 2014
Posted in facebook, ROI on MARKETING, SEO, Social Branding, Social Media Case Study, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, Social Networking Sites (SNS), TECHDIVINE, twitter, Your SMQ | Tags: ananthv, Brand Marketing, customized branding, Digital marketing agency, facebook, ROI on Social Media, SALES Using Social media, search engine optimization, SEO, social media case study, social media marketing, social media misconceptions, social media reports, TECHDIVINE, twitter, Your SMQ, Your social media quotient
Bitcoin history and timeline
February 11th, 2014
Bitcoin, the History and timeline so far History of Bitcoin Recent Posts: Valentine’s day cards never looked more awesome Technology, social media and markets top news this week Google Business Group Mumbai event Ananth V ROI on Social media for brands LIVE Macintosh by Apple turns 30 today Facebook turns 10 today […]
Posted in Ananth, Apple, Bitcoin, facebook, Google, Google Business Group, Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, Macintosh, Online Marketing Services, ROI on MARKETING, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, TECHDIVINE, technology, Valentine day, Valentine day cards | Tags: ananth, Bitcoin, Bitcoin history timeline, bitcoin value, Brand Marketing, creative services agency, Digital marketing agency, google, Google business group, Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, KGAF 2014, Markets, markets news, mumbai events, social media, social media marketing, social media quotient, Social Media ROI, technology news