How to use Twitter as a Brand or as an Individual We recently posted about a case study (where we have mainly used Twitter) as mentioned below, through which we got many responses, feedback and enquiries from both, Corporate Brands and individual users to share a post on – How to professionally use TWITTER as a BRAND or […]
Archive for the ‘Social Media Android App’ Category
How to use Twitter as a Brand or as an Individual
February 20th, 2013
Posted in Brand Marketing, BRANDING, Digital Agency Mumbai, Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Case Study, social bookmarking, Social Branding, Social Media Android App, Social Media Case Study, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, Social Networking Sites (SNS), TECHDIVINE, Techdivine Android App, technology, twitter | Tags: Digital marketing agency, Digital marketing agency Mumbai, hashtags, retweets, ROI on Social Media, social media, social media agency, social media how to guide, social media marketing, social media marketing roi, TECHDIVINE, tweets, twitter, twitter glossary, Twitter how to guide, twitter jargons, twitter tips, useful twitter ideas, Your SMQ, Your social media quotient, yoursmq
Foursquare launches business companion app for merchants
January 30th, 2013
Foursquare has launched a Business companion app for business users to easily post and manage content from their smartphones.
Posted in Android, Android APP, Apple, Brand Marketing, BRANDING, Business, Businessman, facebook, Foursquare, Free Mobile Apps, Geo Location Based Target Marketing, Hospitality Industry, Industry Customized Social Media Services, iPhone, iPhone App, Mobile Integrated SMM, Mobile Phones, people, Restaurant, Restaurants, Search Engines, SEO, Share to Connect, Smartphone, Smartphones, social bookmarking, Social Branding, Social Media Android App, social media marketing, Social Networking Sites (SNS), social travel, Top News, travel, twitter | Tags: Android, Apple, brand loyalty, brand owners, Brand Specials, checkins, Consumer gratification, explore, explore social, facebook, foursquare, foursquare business app, geo explore, geo location based marketing. marketing, Geo Marketing, geo tips, geo travel, iPhone App, local updates, online marketing, share to connect, social connect, social media, social media marketing, social travel app, TECHDIVINE, travel specials, travel tips, twitter