Dear Friends, The FREE Google Plus hangout LIVE Session on SOCIAL MEDIA for BRANDS is scheduled for tonight 10:30 PM (IST) Friday 5/4/2013 on Google Plus. LIVE Social Media Google Plus Hangout On AIR Social Media LIVE Hangout – “#SocialMediaTD & #YourSMQ“ This session being our first session on Google Plus will be for Limited […]
Archive for the ‘social bookmarking’ Category
LIVE Social Media Google Plus Hangout On AIR
April 5th, 2013
1 Comment
Posted in Free Social Media Marketing Hangout, Google Hangouts, Google Plus, Google Plus Hangout, LIVE Hangout, Marketing Case Study, ROI on MARKETING, SEO, social bookmarking, Social Media Case Study, Social Media Google Plus, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, Social Networking Sites (SNS), TECHDIVINE, Your SMQ | Tags: ananth, ananth v, Brand Marketing, Digital marketing agency, Google plus social media hangout, Googleplus Free hangout, social media for corporate, social media hangout, social media marketing, social media quotient, SocialMediaTD, Your SMQ, Your social media quotient, yoursmq
If this then that lets you create trigger alerts with actions
April 1st, 2013
IFTTT is a service that lets you create powerful connections with one simple statement ~ “IF THIS THEN THAT” This site let’s you CREATE “Triggers” as in “Alerts” for stuff that you would need to be TRIGGERED” about. For eg. The Jump in the weather before you start your day, the Stock Market Rush, […]
Posted in Digital Agency Mumbai, Digital Marketing, IFTTT, Marketing Case Study, ROI on MARKETING, social bookmarking, Social Media Android App, Social Media Case Study, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, TECHDIVINE, technology | Tags: Actions, Alerts, Brand Marketing, Brand marketing case study, creative marketing, digital agency mumbai, Digital marketing agency, dropbox, If this then that, IFTTT, RECIPE, ROI Case study, ROI on Marketing, social media, social media agency, social media marketing, social media quotient, Social Media ROI, Social media ROI case study, social media services, Social smq, TECHDIVINE, techdivine creative services, Trigger, Your SMQ, Your social media quotient