After the launch of a fresh new look for its app, Foursquare unveiled connected apps for its users and they haven’t forgotten about Business owners that use their app too. Foursquare recently announced a new feature called “Local Updates” which helps brand owners share more about their brands directly to users via Foursquare.
Archive for the ‘Restaurant’ Category
Foursquare launches new merchant tools for brand owners
July 30th, 2012
Posted in 2012 Marketing Trends, 2012 Technology Trends, Android APP, Customer engagement, Food, Foursquare, Free Mobile Apps, Geo Location Based Target Marketing, Hospitality Industry, Industry Customized Social Media Services, Industry News, iPhone, iPhone App, Mobile Phones, Restaurant, Restaurants, shopping, Smartphone, Smartphones, Social Branding, social travel, Softwares, technology, Technology Products | Tags: Android, Apple, Blackberry, brand loyalty, brand owners, Brand Specials, checkins, Consumer gratification, explore, explore social, foursquare, geo explore, geo location based marketing. marketing, Geo Marketing, geo tips, geo travel, iPhone App, local updates, online marketing, share to connect, social connect, social media, social media marketing, social travel app, TECHDIVINE, travel specials, travel tips
Top 7 Posts On Social Media,Brand Marketing and Internet that you might have missed out on
July 5th, 2012
“Ways to reinvigorate your social media campaign using social tools”
If you have been wondering about the hype on Social media platforms and are considering adopting it for your brand, then this article is definitely for you?
The idea is to tap the potential of online marketing and brand monitoring integrated with the power of SEO (Search engine optimization) as part of your social media marketing campaign?
Posted in 2012 Marketing Trends, 2012 Technology Trends, advertising, Amazon, Android, Android APP, Apple, book, Brand Key Rules, Business, creative, Creative Marketing Industry Specific, creative writer, creative writing, Digital Agency Mumbai, eBook, education, Education & Learning, entertainment, facebook, Facebook Privacy, Fiction, fitness, Food, Foursquare, Free Kindle EBook, Free Mobile Apps, Geo Location Based Target Marketing, Google, Google Android, Health Industry, Health, Wellness & Prosperity - Living, Hospitality Industry, Industry Customized Social Media Services, Industry News, iOS, iPad2, iPhone, iPhone App, Kindle, Kings are made not just born, Mobile Barcode Scanner, Mobile Integrated SMM, Mobile Phones, online etiquettes, Online Marketing Services, Online Privacy, Reading, Restaurant, Restaurants, SEO, Smartphone, Smartphones, social bookmarking, Social Branding, Social Media Android App, social media marketing, Social Media Quotient, Social Networking Sites (SNS), User Experience Online, Using Social Sites Safely | Tags: Amazon, Amazon ebook, amazon kindle, Android, Android Apps, Apple, discover food, Ebook, email id, English Fiction, facebook, facebook email id, facebook privacy, facebook security, food, food related apps, food reviews, Hospitality Industry, hotels, iPad, iphone, iphone apps, Kindle, Kindle app, Kindle book, Kindle ebook, Kindle reader, Kings are made not just born, Literature ebook, mobile, mobile food apps, online privacy, privacy, Restaurants, safe web browsing, Smartphone, Smartphones, social bookmarking, social networking sites, tablet, web privacy, Young Adults