Foursquare has launched a Business companion app for business users to easily post and manage content from their smartphones.
Archive for the ‘Restaurant’ Category
Foursquare launches business companion app for merchants
January 30th, 2013
Posted in Android, Android APP, Apple, Brand Marketing, BRANDING, Business, Businessman, facebook, Foursquare, Free Mobile Apps, Geo Location Based Target Marketing, Hospitality Industry, Industry Customized Social Media Services, iPhone, iPhone App, Mobile Integrated SMM, Mobile Phones, people, Restaurant, Restaurants, Search Engines, SEO, Share to Connect, Smartphone, Smartphones, social bookmarking, Social Branding, Social Media Android App, social media marketing, Social Networking Sites (SNS), social travel, Top News, travel, twitter | Tags: Android, Apple, brand loyalty, brand owners, Brand Specials, checkins, Consumer gratification, explore, explore social, facebook, foursquare, foursquare business app, geo explore, geo location based marketing. marketing, Geo Marketing, geo tips, geo travel, iPhone App, local updates, online marketing, share to connect, social connect, social media, social media marketing, social travel app, TECHDIVINE, travel specials, travel tips, twitter
The Starbucks Experience
October 22nd, 2012
Our trip to Comic Con also entailed a visit to the newly opened Starbucks Cafe in South Mumbai. The Techdivine team was very enthusiastic to have a cuppa and see for themselves what set Starbucks apart from other Cafes.
Posted in 2012 Marketing Trends, Brand Key Rules, Brand Marketing, BRANDING, Business, City News, COFFEE Time, Food, Health, Wellness & Prosperity - Living, Hospitality Industry, India, people, Restaurant, Restaurants, Social Branding, Starbucks, STARBUCKS INDIA, STARBUCKS Mumbai, Super BRAND, TECHDIVINE | Tags: beverages, Brand, City News, coffee, Coffee experience, Elphinstone Mumbai, Find a starbucks, food, Hospitality Industry, India, instagram, Mumbai, Oberoi Mall, Starbucks, Starbucks BRAND, Starbucks Coffee, STARBUCKS INDIA, Starbucks Mumbai, Starbucks Mumbai Outlet, StarbucksCoffee, Super BRAND, Taj Hotels, Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, TATA Global Beverages, tea, The Taj