A lot of people complain that their Facebook news feed is now cluttered up and that they have to go through a lot of unwanted posts before finding any useful stuff. Well, Facebook has made a lot of changes of late to help you de-clutter your news feed and fortify your privacy.
Archive for the ‘online etiquettes’ Category
Optimize the time spent on Facebook by streamlining your news feed
December 27th, 2012
Posted in 2012 Marketing Trends, 2012 Technology Trends, facebook, Facebook Privacy, Mobile Phones, online etiquettes, Online Privacy, people, Privacy, Share to Connect, Smartphone, social bookmarking, Social Networking Sites (SNS), technology, Tips and tricks | Tags: facebook, facebook privacy, facebook security, facebook wall, online privacy, privacy, privacy notice, safe web browsing, social bookmarking, social branding, social media, social media networking, social media quotient, Social Networking, social networking sites, tips, tricks, user privacy, web privacy
Simple tips to enhance your Facebook experience
December 15th, 2012
We are going to list a few tips and tricks that will help you to make better use of the features utilised by Facebook. You might know a few, some might be new, but definitely all of them will be useful for you.
Posted in 2012 Marketing Trends, Brand Marketing, BRANDING, facebook, Facebook Privacy, Kids Safety Online, online etiquettes, Online Privacy, people, SEO, Share to Connect, social bookmarking, Social Branding, Social Networking Sites (SNS), Tips and tricks | Tags: facebook, facebook privacy, facebook security, facebook wall, online privacy, privacy, privacy notice, safe web browsing, social bookmarking, social branding, social media, social media networking, social media quotient, Social Networking, social networking sites, tips, tricks, user privacy, web privacy