Advanced Digital Marketing Training for 50 IIM INDORE PGP participants reaches 2,31,122 users with 38,48,899 impressions in real-time
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Advanced Digital Marketing Training for 50 IIM INDORE PGP participants reaches 2,31,122 users with 38,48,899 impressions in real-time
March 22nd, 2017
Posted in #IIMDM, Advanced Digital Marketing Courses, Advanced Digital Marketing Training, Advanced Social Media Marketing Courses, Ananth V, Digital Marketing, Digital marketing course, Digital Marketing Leaders, Digital Strategy, Education & Learning, Employability Skills, Employee Development Programs, IIM I, Learn Advanced Digital Marketing Courses, Learning Digital Marketing, Social Media Training, Social Media workshops, Training and Workshop, Training social media analytics, Training web analytics, Trends in Digital Marketing 2017 | Tags: #IIMDM, Abhishek, advanced digital marketing training, Ajinkya, ananth v, Ayushi, best digital marketing programs, Best Social media Courses, Bikas, case study based training, Corporate Training, Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Courses, Digital marketing training, digital skills, Digital Strategy, digital transformation, Employee Development Programs, IIM Indore, learn analytics, learn digital marketing, learn social media, Saurabh, Shailaja, social media marketing, social media training, social media workshops, student development programs, TECHDIVINE
11 employability skills organizations today look for when hiring
February 24th, 2017
11 employability skills organizations today look for when hiring
Posted in Ananth V, Digital, Employability Skills, Employee Development Programs | Tags: ananth v, Best Digital Marketing Professional, best employees for recruitment, case study based learning, Case Study digital marketing, corporate learning, Corporate Training, Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Leaders, digital skills training, digital training, employability skills, Employability skills organizations look for when hiring, employee advocacy, Employee Development Programs, employee engagement, employee learning, employee skill development, employee training programs, hands-on training, handson training digital marketing, hiring the best candidate, hiring the best skills, hiring top employees, how to be hired by the best organizations, how to get the perfect job, how to upgrade my skills, Job seekers, learn digital marketing, learn social media marketing, Management, marketing, Most Influential Digital Marketing Leaders, recruiting the best employees, Relevant CORE Employability Skills, RIGHT SET OF SKILLS, skill development programs, skills organizations are looking for, student employability skills, trainable employees