4 ways Digital Marketing can boost employee career and skill development with knowledge across work and to increase productivity.
Archive for the ‘Employee Development Programs’ Category
4 ways Digital Marketing can boost employee career development
May 10th, 2017
Posted in Advanced Digital Marketing Courses, Advanced Digital Marketing Training, Advanced Social Media Marketing Courses, Ananth V, Career Development, Corporate Training, Digital, Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Leaders, Digital Marketing Trends, Digital Strategy, Digital Transformation, Employability Skills, Employee Development Programs | Tags: academic discipline, ananth v, best corporate training programs, Best Digital Marketing Professional in India, best salary, best training programs, blog training, career development, career goals, career strategy, careers, content marketing, Corporate Training, Digital agency, Digital Marketing, digital marketing for career success, digital marketing for professionals, Digital marketing training, elite employee development programs, employee advocacy, employee benefits, employee career growth, employee engagement, employee motivation, employee relationship management, employee skill development, human resource management, knowledge work productivity, Leadership, learn digital marketing, learn social media marketing, Most Influential Digital Marketing Leaders, performance appraisal, performance management, Personal development, personal growth, productivity, promotion, seo training, skill development, skills, social media training, team work, TECHDIVINE, top organizations for employee development, training and development
Facebook ads, google analytics and gamification to boost customer journey
April 11th, 2017
How to empower digital marketing strategies to use Facebook ads, google analytics and gamification and boost your customer journey and experience.
Posted in Analytics, Ananth V, Corporate Training, Digital Agency, Digital Marketing, Digital Strategy, Employee Development Programs, Facebook Ads, Gamification, Google Analytics, ROI on MARKETING, Social media agency, social media marketing, Social Media Training, Social Media workshops, TECHDIVINE | Tags: ananth v, Corporate Training, Corporate Training on Digital Marketing, customer experience, customer journey, Digital agency, Digital Marketing, digital marketing case studies, Digital marketing ROI, Digital Strategy, digital transformation, Employee Development Programs, Facebook ads, gamification, google analytics, social media marketing, Social Media ROI, TECHDIVINE