Corporate Training: Sustainable Marketing

Focusing on your sustainable initiatives, circular economy for a truly customised green marketing corporate training program

What are we offering:

  • The Business Case for Sustainability
  • Custom-designed modules for different departments and teams: Senior Management and C-Suite, Managers and employees across divisions to address their specific roles in sustainability
  • Clear goals for each module depending on each department
  • Varied formats like onsite trainings, case studies, interactive activities and even gamification to keep learners engaged
  • Understanding Consumer trends and preferences for sustainable products.
  • Green marketing strategies like eco-labeling, cause marketing, and storytelling. What does it do for consumers?
  • Avoiding greenwashing: Strategies for transparent and ethical communication. Potential pitfalls of greenwashing and how to avoid them.
  • Learn how to develop a compelling green value proposition. The concept of a circular economy and its benefits.
  • Craft effective messaging that resonates with eco-conscious consumers.
  • Storytelling the efforts of your green initiatives focused on what your customers, stakeholders and employees value.
  • Discover innovative business models for product life-cycle extension
  • Participants will work in teams to analyze real-world marketing campaigns for sustainable products and services.
  • Brainstorm creative strategies for integrating circular economy principles into existing product lines.
  • Develop an action plan for implementing sustainable marketing practices within the organizations.


Pre- and post-training assessments

Encourage application: Spark discussions on how employees can integrate these principles into their daily work.

Ongoing reinforcement: Offer regular updates on Danone’s sustainability progress and industry best practices.

Equip employees with practical tools and strategies to contribute to your sustainability goals through digital platforms.

Foster a culture of sustainability within the organization through employee training and incentives and gamification strategies.

Action plan: Putting the training into practice: Develop a personalized action plan for integrating sustainable practices into marketing and operations hands-on.

Trainings designed and delivered by Ananthanarayanan V


For custom-designed corporate training programs, reach us here

Service Type
Corporate Training: Sustainable Marketing
Provider Name
Techdivine Creative Services,
Onsite and Online, Telephone No.+91-08097914439
Corporate Training: Sustainable Marketing
Corporate Training: Sustainable Marketing, Green Marketing, Circular Economy, Diversity, Inclusion, Stakeholder, Employee well-being development
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