At an immensely successful 500% ROI, without a doubt, this was one of the top 5 most successful digital marketing social media campaigns delivered by us as a digital agency in 2020
Restaurant marketing

Sharing the learnings with additional & final insights
- Actual Sales delivered through our campaigns: $1,80,000
- Duration: 6 months
- ROI: 500%
- Location: Canada

We focused on creating a customized digital strategy to deliver optimized results for our client brand partner at the lowest possible customer acquisition cost
Few core highlights of the digital marketing campaign strategy:
a. Completely custom designed digital marketing strategy tweaked every day based on analytics
b. Focused customer journey mapping & digital touch-points approach
c. Understanding what emotions food really brings to the table using analytics
d. PPC: Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Third Party Ad tools, Instagram Ads
e. Social media posts: Less focus on creatives & more on customer insights to create posts that driver better results with a Clear Call To Action
f. Real-time engagement & responses to customers & prospective customer queries/ratings/feedback
g. Online Brand Reputation management / monitoring
h. Ensuring delivering real-time responses

(Pic shown here is for representation purposes only)
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