Did you know? As part of our corporate training programs, we have trained 9,500+ participantsacross some of the top corporate, Fortune 500 companiesand elite academic institutionsacross the globe.
52%of these participants have been C-suite executive professionalsand Sr.Management professionals
We are glad to share details of our, one on one, exclusive coaching programs as part of our corporate training modules:
Leadership Management for Professionals Coaching Program
What we cover under this
(Do note: These are customized further based on your goals)
- Profile mapping
- Skill mapping
- Your role and KPI as a leader
- Understanding and clearly defining the leadership profile
- DISC assessment and profile evaluation based on skills, interests, roles and goals
- Define: Clear goals and assign to skills accordingly
- Career mapping
- Time management
- Team and Skill acquisition and management
- Networking: Do’s and Don’t
- Empowering your Leadership style
- Power of Storytelling and Empathy
- Building your personal Brand
- Building your Professional Brand
Coaching Duration: Total: 26 Hoursspread across a period of 3 months
Coaching conducted by Ananth
Tata number of participants: Just you and the Leadership Coach (Ananth)
Methodology of Coaching:
Face to face, both, onsite one on one and online:
Coaching total 26 hours: Details of sessions, as shared below:
6 Hours:
6 hours of Coaching face to face one on one for one entire business dayat our office in Mumbai, India (Venue: TechdivineⓇ Creative Services: Bandra Kurla complex (BKC), Mumbai, India).
On this day, you need to keep yourself available for coaching and interacting with Ananth for a total of 8 hours, of which 6 hours will be coaching and 2 hour luncheonas per details shared below.
(Do note: Travel and other related arrangements etc if any for reaching the above mentioned venue at BKC, Mumbai needs to be done from your end only).
About the luncheon:
Venue: Taj Lands End, Mumbai
During the above mentioned day, we will have a lunch break of about 2 hours (in addition to the 6 hour of coaching session).
The luncheon will be arranged by us, for you and Ananth at TAJ LANDS END, Mumbai.
20 Hours:
20 hours of Coachingwill be done onlinebut one on one via Videoas mutually convenient (time and dates spread acrossa period of 3 months). This can be done over FaceTime video call or Skype video call etc.
Sign-up for this coaching session only if:
If you think you are really serious about:
- Building yourself as a brand professionally
- Growing as a leader and learning the skills necessary for the same
The coaching sessions are conducted by Ananth and is exclusive based on advanced well planned dates and schedules for both, yourself and his, to ensure complete focus, plan andimmersive leadership coaching experience.
If you feel you can benefit from an engaging, intensive and a refreshing session where we focus 1-1 on sharpening your professional brand as a leader, focusing on skills, strengths, weakness, hidden and latent professional quality that can help you enhance your status as a reputed and well recognized authority & leader while working towards taking taking you to the next level professionally, contact us with questions on how to sign-up and more details.
We look forward to collaborating with you.
Wishing you tremendous success in this journey with us!
Reach us here to enquire about our COACHING programs(Contact) OR
You can also Email us: ananth@bestcorporatetraining.com
Be Well
Ananth V ~ Founder & CEO: Techdivine Creative Services: Digital marketing agency
Let’s connect on: Facebook– Twitter– Social Media Book– Corporate Training Digital Marketing Social media ROI strategy– Management Development Programs– Website – Coaching Programs
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