What to learn in Digital Marketing as a MBA Professional

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What to learn in Digital Marketing as a MBA Professional

Best digital marketing professional
Irrespective of which elective or specialization or concentration you might have chosen for your MBA (Masters in Business Administration), learning digital as part of your course curriculum today is crucial. 
As of date, we have trained over 7,500+ participants on Digital Marketing, Social media ROI, Digital strategy and Entrepreneurship across Top Corporate and Elite academic institutions in India. 
Here is a brief overview of the participants demographics and areas of professional expertise who we have trained: (Of the 7500 participants so far):
– 52% participants belonged to C-suite or Managerial positions in Corporate (12+ years of work experience – Age group 30 to 54)
– 23% were corporate professionals with 5 years or less of professional experience (Age group 22 to 30 years) and 
– 25% were student professionals pursing their final year of graduation in MBA or Engineering etc (age group 20 to 28 years)
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There were three things in common among majority of  these professionals who had showcased an interest in learning digital marketing social media advanced course programs with us either through their own organisations Employee Development programs or through their esteemed academic institutions student skill development programs:
  • 360 degree thinking
  • Cultural competency
  • Practical problem solving need
Organizations, today, when they are hiring corporate professionals, look for these 11 employability skills when they are hiring. So if you are pursuing your MBA or are a MBA professional and are interested in learning digital marketing, here are 5 things you can’t afford to miss that takes into consideration, both, what  top organisations today look for in a candidate and what is crucial in terms of digital marketing skills irrespective of which area you are planning to specialize working in.
1) Marketing Management: Your digital marketing curriculum has to discuss some basics of how brand and branding differs and is seen or perceived in todays digital world. How do logos, brand perception, brand tone etc impact digital marketing and consumer behaviour.
2) Consumer segmentation: Including but not limited to Consumer behaviour online, customer journey, customer experience and buyer persona.
3) Interactive marketing: Social Media, Digital Strategy, tools, process and CRM.
4) ROI for Corporate Brands: Hands-on case study based real industry focused digital strategy experiences.

5) Consumer Marketing Research: Qualitative and Quantitative using Analytics in digital world.

In other words, learning core skills in your digital marketing course or social media workshop today should encompass the following and that too hands-on with actual industry focused digital marketing case study based approach across industries and countries:

  • Digital tools:  
    • PPC: Google Adwords, Facebook ads, Twitter ads, Instagram ads
  • Analytics: Google Analytics, Facebook insights, Twitter analytics, Instagram insights 
  • Digital Strategies in terms of:
    • Blogging, SEO and Content marketing for consumer behaviour, customer journey and customer experience.
  • Online reputation management and sentiment analysis 
  • Real–time brand engagement conversations 
  • Budgeting, planning, designing a digital strategy focused towards ROI for corporate brands 

These can be further bifurcated into learning advanced skills in blogging, content marketing, customer journey across digital touch pints, gasification using digital strategy and integrating tools and process like social media influencer campaigns, social media contests etc to induce customer purchase and add instant gratification based on a prospects affinity categories, needs and products that will help them get real world solutions for their daily activities, professional and or personal.

So if you are or if you know a MBA professional planning to pursue a digital marketing certification course or an advanced social media marketing workshop, make sure the above points and aspects are taken into consideration after which you can even choose your area of expertise within these fields.

More importantly, learn it hands-on so that irrespective of the industry or field you work in, you will be able to actually integrate the right digital tools with the digital strategy based on your Social media ROI or digital marketing goal to make you the best digital marketing professional in your industry or the most influential digital marketing leaders.

Feel free to reach me for queries if any.

Quick CONTACT Form Link: Click Here

Have an amazingly engaging and interactive learning ahead.

Be Well

Ananth V

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3 Responses to “What to learn in Digital Marketing as a MBA Professional”

  1. Kapil says:

    How does incorporating keywords increase our search engine traffic ??

  2. admin says:

    Today, it’s not just about incorporating keywords, but making sure that the content is valuable, original and relevant for the end reader. that will boost SEO rankings based on current algorithm from Google. its no longer about keyword density, but more about relevant content to the right user. Have a great day Kapil.

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