Minim Charitable Foundation, initiative in the field of Education for underprivileged children
“Empowering people, Empowering communities”- An initiative to support and encourage education and training of children, youth and women.
MCF is an initiative in the field of Education for the underprivileged children who have entered a school, perhaps the first generation learners in their family. The main focus is on how to make these teens (dropped out or on the verge of dropping out of schools/colleges) employable either through completion of formal education or a vocational training.

Minim Charitable Foundation logo
Our Leaders – “Pillars of Minim Charitable Foundation”
- Waheeda Rahman; Founder Trustee and Director
- Mr. Sohail Rekhy, Director
- Ms. Kashvi Rekhy, Director
- Ms. Farida Lambey, mentor and guide
- Ms. Nirmala Mehendale, mentor and guide
- Dr.IyerAparnaSundaresan, supporter and guide
- Ms Poonam Bhonsle, supporter and guide
Our focus is on 3 E’s – i.e. “Education, Employability and Empowerment” and we are determined to create unique role models. Minim Charitable Foundation works with children, youth and women most adversely affected by poverty and lack of basic resources; not in education, training or employment (NEET) or those who are on the verge of being excluded from main stream education system due to some sudden crisis in their life.
MCF provides educational scholarships for formal as well as non-formal education, vocational training or any other skill development activity that leads to Holistic Development of Individuals, Groups as well as Communities. It uses sponsorships, counselling & referrals combined with motivation, guidance & mentoring leading to personal development to realize the potential of child & youth (candidates) from vulnerable communities that suffer from issues such as poverty, drugs, crime and violence.
- VISION: To create an educated, skilled and equitable society by empowering every child, youth and woman.
- MISSION: To develop the society by developing individuals from underprivileged families through support pertaining to education and training so that they can be role models, change makers and mentors in their respective communities. Our motto is “Empowering people, Empowering communities”.
MCF’s Achievements:
- 500 candidates supported in past 3 years
- Awareness -Importance of education and training
- Timely financial support
- Handholding the candidates
- 21 candidates are currently employed
- Average salary earned by candidate Rs. 10,000/-
Did You know?
- Only one-third of children who enrol in grade one, manage to reach grade eight.
- Gross enrolment ratio (GER) currently stands at 92 percent at the primary level, falls to around 52 per cent in secondary education and then there is steep fall to a mere 20 percent for higher education.
- According to the non-governmental organisation Praja, more than 30,000 students have dropped out of schools run by that most august of institutions in the past five years
- Source: Indian Express, 2016
Why do students drop-out of the school?
o One of the main reasons for this is poverty and inability to access timely, financial support
o The decision to drop out is a response to conflicting life pressures — the need to help support their family financially or the demands of caring for siblings or their own child.
o Few resources to meet the complex emotional and academic needs of their most vulnerable youth.
o Belief of youth (influenced by others) that education is unnecessary and of no use.
- “Screening and Selection” criteria results in short-listing of candidates who are at the base of pyramid of education i.e. the vulnerable ones (school dropouts/ or at the risk of dropping out)
- Paying directly to the institutes/schools thus eliminating the risk of the money being used by guardians or family members for other financial purposes.
- Group as well as one on one career orientation and basic information about the several career alternatives available for teenagers, youth and women.
- Guidance for personality development thus increasing accountability and sense of responsibility for giving back amongst our candidates for the support they have received and thus continue the chain of support and guidance.
- MCF continues the support until the child completes education or the financial status of the family has improved thus ensuring the sustainability of the inputs given.
How can you help?
1) Project School Chale Hum: Sponsorship support for 100 (renewal) school students up to SSC level
2) Project Yuva Shakti- (Main stream education): Sponsorship support for 100 college students including new applications for the current academic year.
3) Project Yuva Shakti-(Vocational Training) skill enhancement training Sponsorship support for 100 candidates i.e. new applications for the current year and
4) Project Staff Honorarium Note: Project “School Chale Hum” and “Yuva Shakti- Main stream education” are yearly renewal based projects and we need to support all these existing candidates for at least next 3-5 years. Trainings are provided by other training oraganizations. The candidate is refereed to these organizations by MCF as per their requirement and potential. BUDGET YEARLY PROJECT COST for 500 students (Academic year 2016-17)
Please Note: Minim Charitable Foundation (a non-profit organisation) is registered as a company under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. All donations made to Minim Charitable Foundation are exempt from Income Tax under section 80G of IT Act 1961 vide Director of Income Tax (Exemptions). Looking forward for positive response from your side Thanking you in gratitude.
Contact Minim Charitable Foundation: E-mail Id: mcf.mumbai.org@gmail.com
To Know more:
- Download the complete Proposal of Minim Charitable Foundation – CLICK HERE
- Download 80G CERTIFICATE Minim Charitable Foundation – CLICK HERE
- DOWNLOAD SUCCESS STORIES of Minim Charitable Foundation – CLICK HERE
Disclaimer: Techdivine Creative Services is not directly associated with the above mentioned foundation. We are merely offering our corporate blog as a professional platform for them to reach out to a large number of users through the Author of this blog post, Mr.Sunny Pawar. For any and all queries please download the above pdf’s or write to them directly on the email id mentioned in this article.