5 Pay Per Click PPC campaigns to empower Branding
Pay Per Click or PPC campaigns cannot be ignored while planning a digital marketing campaign for your organization.
Here are 5 Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign analytics, strategies, insights, objectives and or tools to empower Branding for your Organization and or Business:
1) Hitting a wall: Without understanding when your customers are online, there is no point in running a PPC campaign. For eg. while working on facebook ads, check out statistics for “When Your Fans are Online” and create a campaign for better results (Img 1 below)

Pay Per Click PPC Facebook Ads
2) Using a Facebook ad Objective like “Increase Brand awareness” helps you by promoting your brand to a group of users who are more likely to be interested in your ADS. While doing so, ensure you do not ignore aspects like “Interests while creating custom audiences”. For eg. if you are targeting to reach “Aspiring Authors”, create an interest group that includes users who have liked popular publishing houses, creative writing related pages, literature etc to expand but still have a targeted reach across right audience.
3) Understanding how to read relevant data, enables you to get a clear picture of what non professional marketers might miss out on. A clear know-how of the importance of learning complete web and social media analytics not only creates a better and more professional digital marketer out of you, but also empowers your professional goals by being able to deliver beyond what’s just otherwise known as ‘metrics’. Did you know, by just looking at your Google Analytics USERS FLOW and comparing it with your GOAL conversion results, you can get a clear idea of whether the visitors to your site / blog etc are the right group of users. For eg. If your website statistics shows high traffic from let’s say, New York followed by New Jersey, California, but your event campaign that is going to be held at a physical location is based out of Washington, then you need to re-think your content strategy and accordingly create PPC campaigns across Google Adwords or Facebook Ads etc to reach the right audiences in Washington who are online at that point of time and are interested in the type of event that you are planning to conduct Live at that location. So insights from Analytics like Google or facebook or Twitter etc are not just to understand or reflect your statistics, but should be used to interpret your campaign strategies while planning PPC campaigns to ensure they deliver the right results at the right time. No wonder it is core to learn pay per click campaign tools, insights, staretgies with respect to what is happening in the real world today across countries and industries.
4) Have clear and specific goals: Let’s say your Objective is to get actual Sales conversions, see real ROI (Return on Investment) or get sign-ups for a course or newsletter subscription, or get leads or enquiries for your business etc. ensure you have a very clearly defined objective. For eg. instead of saying, “I want increase in sales using digital marketing or pay per click campaigns”, say, “I want to increase sales by 18% this quarter across APAC”. What this does is, it not only helps you decide on which target audience, interests, location etc to focus on, but also helps you understand what would be relevant content that can be pushed and or promoted using pay per click campaigns etc. At the same time, having ROI as part of your campaign goals enables you to focus and give due attention to the LANDING PAGE where these conversions are supposed to take place. Having a clearly designed Landing page with Call To Action (CTA) helps you speed up and at the same time delivers optimized results across your pay per click campaigns.
5) Learning Social media and or Digital marketing is not really about the tools, likes, hits, follows etc. It was, is and will always be about People. People buy from People they Trust. So irrespective of whether you cater to a B2C segment or a B2B industry, you are at the end of the day going to deal with real people who are engaging with your ads and post. So using the right set of tools and or website based features at the right time will enable to deliver good results from your digital campaigns. For eg. instead manually sitting and tweeting or updating all the time, use automation tools from time to time for news, updates and information that is shared because it just needs to be shared online to keep your targeted readers informed. But at the same time, when you need to respond to queries, feedback or provide a solution, ensure that there is a real person from your social media team delivering those messages. In the digital world, an automated response to a customer, prospect etc can backfire almost certainly as there is a clear sense of disconnect with the end user. So use tools like Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Crowdfire, buffer pablo Fruji, Coschedule Headline analyzer, buffer, plugins, Facebook Ads, Twitter Analytics, etc from time to time but make sure not everything is automated. Use tools to optimize human experiences & interactions and not to replace them.
There is so much more one can do using Pay Per Click campaigns, what are your favorite PPC campaign models, tools or strategies.
Feel free to share your comments, feedback and responses with me here. Would love to hear from all of you.
Let’s Connect: Ananth V >>> Twitter – Facebook – Social Media Book – LinkedIn – Website
Interested in Custom designed Digital Marketing campaigns for your business and or Organization: Feel free to reach us here – Digital Agency – Techdivine Creative Services – Click Here
Ananth V
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