Shout out to amazing Bloggers who were part of GoBlogYourSelfTD
Are you ready: Shout-out to some of the amazing Bloggers who shared their links with us for #GoBlogYourSelfTD An initiative from team at Techdivine as part of our SHARING IS CARING week – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/do-you-have-interesting-blog-we-would-like-hear-ananthanarayanan-v via @AnanthV9
As part of this initiative, our Digital Agency will be sharing links of some of the wonderful bloggers who have connected with us for #GoBlogYourSelfTD
Hats-off to all of you BLOGGERS for taking your time and putting so much efforts into your own blogs and write-ups! Keep writing and keep growing! ~ Ananth V: Founder & CEO: Techdivine Creative Services
A Note from our CEO – Ananth V
If you are proud of something that you have done; when you know the efforts and the thought process that has gone into creating something on your own, it deserves a reach, it needs that audience, because you have taken the first step to stand distinct. So kudos and hats-off to all the bloggers who have been a part of this experience and shared their blog links and or sites with us “#GoBlogYourSelfTD” – SHARING IS CARING.
Truly give yourself a well deserved pat on the back. You are amazing! Keep writing and keep blogging.
We wish you all the very best.
Feel free to connect with me (Ananth) across: Twitter – Facebook – LinkedIn – Social Media Book – TOI interview – Barnes & Nobles Expressions Book – Instagram – Tumblr –Instagram – Pinterest – YouTube – Travel mobile clicks photography – Artwork – Personal Blog – Comic Books – Learning Languages Blog – Corporate Blog
To know more: www.ananthv.com
Here are some of the wonderful Blog and website links – Have a look: Don’t miss: (Also, don’t miss our Social sharing of these blog posts and website links across our multiple profiles today starting at 10:00 am to 11:00pm)
1. The Versatile Blogger – http://rachitsharma.com
Life, Lifestyle and Tech Blogger, Blog Tips, Start Up Advice.
2. Data TidBites – https://bhavyageethika.wordpress.com
Small bites of learning in the world of Data science with learning for the day
3. http://justclickchange.com A WordPress Blog
Change is constant: Jobs,attitude,career
4. www.braj.in – A Student of Digital Marketing
5. Your Last Stop for Tech related crunches! www.nextthinkerz.com
6.Pondering Two Writing on the Go’ a blog by Hetal Kachalia & Rohan Kachalia ponderingtwo.blogspot.in
7.Rajiv Verma’s Travel & Lifestyle blog! webguy.in
8. Jo Feldman’s blog. ‘I hate salespeople?’ Is this stigma still present? Why? How can we change perspectives? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/i-hate-sales-people-insight-from-guy-jo-feldman-1
9. I d l e M u s i n g z Where hope springs eternal and love for fellow beings overflows in ‘words’ idlemusingz.blogspot.in
10. Paul Shannon – Work hard, become a legend. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/work-your-offbecome-legend-paul-shannon
11. Paul Sweeney – Our biggest ever FlexPod https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ans-wins-flexpod-guys-nhs-paul-sweeney
12.Andy Barrow https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-missing-point-software-defined-storage-andy-barrow
13.Beth Williams – Is going paperless the gold at the end of the rainbow? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/going-paperless-gold-end-rainbow-beth-williams
14.Gareth Ainsworth – Should we take another view of contractors within the NHS? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/should-we-take-another-view-contractors-within-nhs-gareth-ainsworth
15.Mark Johnson – How important is network really? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-important-network-really-mark-johnson
16.Jamie Sinclair – Is I.T a bird, is I.T a plane? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bird-plane-its-api-targeted-rest-call-jamie-sinclair
17.Dave Hutton – How cloud killed the dinosaur? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-cloud-killed-dinosaurs-dave-hutton
18.Daren Fulwell – How do you ACI? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-do-you-aci-daren-fulwell
19.Robin Lee- Don’t be an idiot https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dont-idiot-robin-lee
20.Web Logic: Admin tricks & tips wlatricksntips.blogspot.in
21.Writing a WLST script is an art of Administration wlstbyexamples.blogspot.in
22.Learn from the learners, learning is forever – Life is short it need Python programming python-orientation.blogspot.in
23.Web logic essential certification weblogic12cessentials.blogspot.in
24. Food blog and its Instagram based, have a look – https://instagram.com/thefoodiezhub
25. We live because we remember…memories are precious, treasure them sulekharawat.com
26. I’m a sports journalist in Deccan Chronicle newspaper. I blog about cricket – mostly on a lighter note and a few other light hearted stuff that we ignore! http://sbagawati.blogspot.in
27. Fashion, beauty, fitness and lifestyle: www.thatelegantchic.com
28. The Wise Vice: My insightful creative inspirational thought for the day series, (imaginative) diary journals, birthday blogs and occasional letters to you… https://lovediariesdotorg.wordpress.com
29. https://thebouncebook.wordpress.com Blog about the eBook “The Bounce!” A STORY OF LOVE, LOSS AND THE LIFE OF A GLOBAL INDIAN
30. https://nitinbothra.blogspot.com My Travel memoirs
31. Kblog personal views ktolani.blogspot.in
32. My School of thought where the class is always in session jaibalarao.com
33. Lassi with Lavina www.lassiwithlavina.com
34. The Donkey MBA – ‘A blog by Abhishek Ratna’ on Leadership, Management and Career! http://thedonkeymba.blogspot.com
35. www.be-bolder.com, a blog which champions people over the age of 70 doing inspirational things
36. When the Muse Strikes is essentially a blog designed to help young people around the world get info on new travel and culture stories from the globe 2brahulprabhakar.blogspot.in
37. Beauty and lifestyle blog called Our External World – www.ourexternalworld.com
38. A Tabloid on Chennai chennaifocus.in
39. Amit Srivatsa ~ disiecti membra poetae ~ https://amitsrivatsa.wordpress.com
40. Reflections of Passions. reflectionsofpassions.blogspot.in
Other than this blog post, on 25th September, 2015,the website or blog links shared with us till 1:00 pm on 23rd Sept,2015 across our LinkedIn Post of #GoBlogYourSelfTD will be promoted online across the following sites and profiles from our end too.
So you can follow, connect, interact on these pages too to reach more users and readers >>>> On Our Facebook Page – On Our Twitter Page – On Our Google Plus Page of Techdivine – On Our Your SMQ Social Media Quotient Google plus page – On our LinkedIn Company page – On our LinkedIn Group page – Across our Following TWITTER Profiles with LIVE Tweets from our team members >>>> @SocialmediaSMQ @YourSMQ @Techdivine @TCSMeetUp @CreativeBrandTD
Do share your comments, views and feedback with us here too, we would love to hear from all of you.
Have an amazing social connect.
Team Techdivine
Connect with our CEO – Ananth V here >>>> LinkedIn – Twitter – Facebook – Social media Book
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