#GoBlogYourSelfTD connects 37 users across 1 lakh profiles & over 1 million impressions
SHARING IS CARING – #GoBlogYourSelfTD was a free social initiative run by our Digital agency yesterday as a FREE One day promotion for Bloggers to reach across a larger group of readers.
To know abut our Premium and official Digital marketing social media campaigns for our clients that have generated over 10 Million impressions across million users (Feel free to >>> Download our case studies here)
As for this campaign, it was a Voluntary free initiative for interested Bloggers to engage with the experience under the title: Sharing is Caring ~ #GoBlogYourSelfTD
Date:25/9/2015 FRIDAY
Time: 10 am to 11pm
708 Tweets were shared by a total of 39 Active users with a reach of 1,39,529 users online with 13,14,014 Impressions across the following countries users: Australia, USA, India, UK, Serbia, Ghana, Canada with a total of 307 + Clicks on the Bloggers or Website being promoted online
Tracked 307 + Clicks on external Websites or Blog links shared by Bloggers (Bloggers shared their links with me on this original POST – Do you have an interesting Blog)
Most active Blog Influencers:
When users, whose Blog or website links were shared from our 7 social twitter profiles, Tagged us @Techdivine on Twitter with #GoBlogYourSelfTD those sites garnered top site visits with the highest visits going to a Blog post which generated 112 Clicks on its post.
“CORE Learning for Bloggers: Whenever you participate in any such activity or share your URL, ensure to show your participation too by engaging with the brand and or the tweets. Every time you underestimate any aspect of Digital, you undermine your own reach.”
At the end, it was a fun SOCIAL initiative and the concept / idea was simple:
We will be coming up with something very exciting for Bloggers again, but this time, the stakes will be high!
AND THE REWARDS and incentives for the BLOGGERS will be very cool!
If you are interested to be a part of the upcoming Blogging Contest initiative with rewards and incentives, do connect with us on Email at – Socialmedia@techdivine.com with subject: “GoBlogYourSelfTD2 Blog Contest“
IMP NOTE: All our Blog campaigns or social media contests which are designed and run under the title of “Sharing is Caring” are not sponsored by any of our clients nor are we compensated for the same monetarily in any form as a professional Digital Agency. All and any expenses associated with these initiatives and or contests are expenses which are borne by our digital agency only.
We also do extensively run Digital marketing campaigns which are sponsored by Brands and or our clients with us for which the Professional Bloggers (in-house and external) who work with us are monetarily well compensated. If you are a Professional blogger who likes to MONETIZE your Blog and or your Blog posts, you can connect with us on email at: teamsmm@techdivine.com addressed to Mr.Vikram with the Subject: “PROBloggerTD” and we will revert to take it further.
About Us: We are an award Winning Digital Marketing Social Media agency based out of Mumbai and we love working with Brands and Technology products.
FREE DOWNLOADS from our website:
- Case studies
- Premium Digital Marketing Social Media magazine (The Hard copies of this magazine are distributed from our Agency to our Premium clients and the Digital copies are available for FREE DOWNLOADS delivered to your EMAIL – Click Here)
As always, THANKFUL and GRATEFUL to the Bloggers who were a part of this voluntary initiative with us.
Feel free to share your comments, views and feedback with me here.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Let’s Connect – Facebook – Twitter – Social Media Book– LinkedIn
Related post:
LIVE Twittter Feed from today’s ongoing #GoBlogYourSelfTD social initiative
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