Digital marketing, social media free Live chat query with Ananth V
Today, we conducted a Free LIVE Twitter chat for users with our CEO, Mr.Ananth wherein, twitter users could share their queries on Social media, digital marketing, branding using the hashtag #DigiMTD and their queries were answered in real-time. This Live chat began at 2:15 pm and went on till 3:30 pm.
Find below the embedded real-time tweets from the Live twitter chat – #DigiMTD Social media, branding and digital marketing
Share your queries at the LIVE Chat #DigiMTD with @AnanthV9 on #Socialmedia #DigitalMarketing #Branding today at 2:15pm onwards till 3pm
— Techdivine (@techdivine) July 21, 2015
It's 2:15 pm We are now LIVE with the Twitter Chat for today on #digitalmarketing #Socialmedia Do use #DigiMTD to tweet your queries to me.
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@AnanthV9 I am from #Kerala Planning to become a #digitalmarketer Not sure on how to go about it? Not very active online #DigiMTD
— Nisha Kotian (@NishaKotian1) July 21, 2015
@NishaKotian1 Firstly,be active,use these tools frequently.Its important to understand that these are just tools.Real skill is YOU #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@NishaKotian1 #DigiMTD its also advisable to have a background in the field of marketing (education / work) it surely makes a difference.
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
Hello #DigiMTD i am Akathma Devi from Bangalore!
— akathma devi (@akathmadevi) July 21, 2015
Oh is #DigiMTD open mic chat? @AnanthV9
— akathma devi (@akathmadevi) July 21, 2015
@AnanthV9 #DigimTD Thanks,do I join a course online or college.Where do they teach this?
— Nisha Kotian (@NishaKotian1) July 21, 2015
@AnanthV9 Do you have any topic for today? #DigiMTD
— akathma devi (@akathmadevi) July 21, 2015
@akathmadevi Just a regular Twitter chat LIVE. #DigiMTD
Do join in.
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@NishaKotian1 Advisable to have formal academic background in Marketing/Advertising or ensure to work & learn in that field #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@AnanthV9 #DigiMTD Ok thnk u. I like facebook & twitter only.Are they good tools for #socialmedia ?
— Nisha Kotian (@NishaKotian1) July 21, 2015
How do i promote my music?I dont know much to use thse #socialmedia sites?Agency is very expensive?Suggest #DIGIMTD @AnanthV9
— Shahstri (@ShastriRamanna) July 21, 2015
@ShastriRamanna You can try uploading small sample files of your music on YouTube or Soundcloud & share it on Twitter/Facebook #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@AnanthV9 what is soundlclcd ? Youtube is for videoonly? #DIGIMTD how to use.
— Shahstri (@ShastriRamanna) July 21, 2015
How does Social media affect SEO #digimtd @AnanthV9
— Tanuj (@TYelave) July 21, 2015
as a Trading Broking or broker how do I use twitter to sell my services #digiMTD @AnanthV9
— Wasan Smartz Biz (@wasansmartbiz) July 21, 2015
@ShastriRamanna #DigiMTD is a free site that lets you upload music & promote using auto-sharing tools on FB/Twitter
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@ShastriRamanna The first group of people you can reach are your friends #DigiMTD Upload sample works on that site & share it on Facbook.
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@ShastriRamanna #DigiMTD that site also lets people re-share your music & comment etc so you would know how popular it is too?
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@TYelave Today every social feed is searchable on google too is now said to have been integrated into search #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@TYelave So the more "relevant" rich content you share consumed by users,better are your chances of showing up on search results #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
Another 17 minutes of #DigiMTD chat to follow.Share your queries with @AnanthV9 #Socialmedia #digitalmarketing NOW
— Techdivine (@techdivine) July 21, 2015
— Tanuj (@TYelave) July 21, 2015
@AnanthV9 Just curious…what tool are you using to manage this chat
Seems a little difficult on Tweetdeck (1/2) #DigiMTD
— Vidarth Jaikrishnan (@vidarth91) July 21, 2015
@wasansmartbiz Financial services have a sensitive & emotional bond with users. So the idea first needs to be "Add value" #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@AnanthV9 Is there a prettier way to manage conversations during a Tweetchat? (2/2) #DigiMTD
— Vidarth Jaikrishnan (@vidarth91) July 21, 2015
@vidarth91 I am chatting using a Chrome browser On my Dell Laptop and the Twitter Site buddy, no tool. #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@vidarth91 "Prettier"
I am sure there will be. What are you looking for "the Outcome" from the chat? #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
Which one is better? Tweetdeck or Hootsuite? #DigiMTD @AnanthV9
— marcjone (@socialmarc) July 21, 2015
@socialmarc Better for what purposes? #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@socialmarc Better for what purposes? #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@AnanthV9 Just wondering if there was something like Storify that we was real time in nature.
I have to look around i guess #DigiMTD
— Vidarth Jaikrishnan (@vidarth91) July 21, 2015
@vidarth91 You can use Storify for sure,but again,depends on your target audience & number of conversations & users online #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@socialmarc @AnanthV9 I really think it depends on what you want to do with the tool. Both have their strengths and weaknesses! #DigiMTD
— Vidarth Jaikrishnan (@vidarth91) July 21, 2015
To automate & use or is not advisable? #DigiMTD @AnanthV9
— marcjone (@socialmarc) July 21, 2015
@socialmarc Automation is not advisable.You end up losing the most important aspect of this medium"The Social" Be Live,keep it real #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@socialmarc Also,for certain level of content sharing its fine.But if you want to really have engaging conversation,be present LIVE #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@AnanthV9 what to use for events as in LIVE events #socialmedia #digiTD #Digitm #DigiMTD
— Shailaja Mahadik (@ShailajaMahadik) July 21, 2015
@ShailajaMahadik You could combine ON AIR Hangouts with Foursquare/SwarmAPP/Facebook checkins & twitter. Use Instagram for pics #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
Does GPlus,facebook posts,twitter feeds etc really help in SEO? #digimtd @AnanthV9
— seo super web (@seosuperweb) July 21, 2015
I am working on a story book? How can I Publish and where? #DigiMTD @AnanthV9
— sophie (@sophiejamesj) July 21, 2015
@seosuperweb Yes they do for sure. You can search for stuff on Google & see for yourself. Lots of social feed related posts show up #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@sophiejamesj Hey, you never told us. @Techdivine You need to see this. She has a story book. Well, Amazon could be a great way. #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@sophiejamesj Is it filled with lots of colorful pictures or more of stories in text? #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@sophiejamesj Hey Sophie thats great. You never told us. Cool. All the best. #DigiMTD
— Techdivine (@techdivine) July 21, 2015
The #DigiMTD chat time with @AnanthV9 is extended for another 15 minutes.
— Techdivine (@techdivine) July 21, 2015
@AnanthV9 #digiMTD yes it has lots of pictures & high quality art work too?
— sophie (@sophiejamesj) July 21, 2015
@sophiejamesj Then do not go for ebook versions as the art would not do much justice on it. Do check out Createspace of Amazon #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
What is Amazon createspace #digiMTD @AnanthV9
— sophie (@sophiejamesj) July 21, 2015
@sophiejamesj Its for paperback versions of self-publishing your books. They print it from Amazon US & then each copy is sold #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
Final three minutes of #digiMTD chat LIVE on Twitter about #Socialmedia #DigitalMarketing with @AnanthV9
— Techdivine (@techdivine) July 21, 2015
Where should we promote content more?Facebook/Twitter/Gplus/Pinterest #DigiMTD @AnanthV9
— maxist (@maxtlm) July 21, 2015
@maxtlm Sites do not decide where you promote them,the Audience & type of content in combination decides that #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
How to know which site has your target audience? #DigiMTD is there a tool or site? @AnanthV9
— maxist (@maxtlm) July 21, 2015
@maxtlm This is where consumer research comes into place.Acquire proper research insight Data of your target audience & then decide #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
Can I upload complete file of my music? #DIGIMTD @AnanthV9
— Shahstri (@ShastriRamanna) July 21, 2015
And we are done with the LIVE Chat for the day. Thank you all for participating. #DigiMTD with @AnanthV9 #Socialmedia #digitalmarketing
— Techdivine (@techdivine) July 21, 2015
@ShastriRamanna No sir,not advisable at all.Keep your music safe. Ensure to have copyrights & share only a sample to start with. #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
Thank You all for participating in the LIVE Twitter Chat #DigiMTD with me today. Have a wonderful day ahead. #socialmedia #digitalmarketing
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@vidarth91 Do check when you have time Have a nice day #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@sophiejamesj Do check this when you have the time Have a nice day #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
@akathmadevi No it was a general query CHAT on #Socialmedia #digitalmarketing – #DigiMTD
— Ananth V (@AnanthV9) July 21, 2015
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